Sheelagh Wegman

Press Service International

Sheelagh Wegman is a freelance writer and editor. She is in the community of St David’s Cathedral in Hobart and lives in the foothills of kunanyi/Mt Wellington.

Sheelagh Wegman’s previous articles may be viewed at

  • Take me with you

    Has anyone ever not had a difficult person to deal with?

  • That goodly fragrance

    One of the most beautiful stories in the Bible is the one about the woman who anointed Jesus’ feet with expensive perfume and dried them with her hair. (Find it in John 12:3, Mark 14:3).

  • Awkward questions

    From an early age most of us learn that it’s rude to ask personal questions or point and stare at people. Yet we’re all familiar with the kind of situation where a child stares at someone in a wheelchair and says in a loud voice, ‘What’s wrong with that person? Why don’t they have any legs?’ Or they might say about someone with a scarred face: ‘Yuck! They look weird!’

  • Two-cent’s worth

    I recently bought a new wallet. It’s made of bright green leather, large enough for cards and money as well as my phone or car keys (but not both!), yet still small enough to fit in a pocket. Whenever possible, I avoid handbags.

  • Sheep are silly creatures

    A few weeks ago a very large merino sheep was discovered roaming in hilly bushland country. It had been lost for a few years. Sheep often can’t find their own way home and the owner had given up looking for it.

  • What’s the point?

    I love gardens but am no gardener. The parental ‘green thumb’ didn’t pass on to me. (Our natural bushland has its own self-managing beauty, fortunately.)

  • In the palm of his hand

    At the end of our church service we are charged to ‘go in peace to love and serve the Lord.’ One minister adds the Irish Blessing:

  • So. What about Christmas 2020?

    The Christmas spirit is ramping up although the supermarkets have been in Christmas mode for weeks. Once Halloween is finished and the unsold spooky merchandise is in the bargain bin, it’s time for the sparkling red, white and green Christmas stuff to take over – there’s a buzz everywhere.

  • Ragged edges

    I read a story that reminded me a little of the prodigal son Jesus talks about in Luke chapter 15. In this case it was about a poor family whose only son had to leave home to find work and was away for a very long time.

  • Look up!

    We have a gift shop at the back of the Cathedral and part of the job is to welcome visitors and invite them in to look at the beautiful windows and marvel at the high vaulted ceilings and the carvings.