Tom Anderson
Press Service International
Tom Anderson is pioneering, an online church plant supported by his in-person church, Catalyst, Ipswich. He has a young, growing family and enjoys playing backyard sport. Tom is a keen long-distance runner, averaging 21km each day last year. He has worked as a teacher for eleven years and enjoys perfecting a flat white on his home espresso machine. Tom would welcome a visit for a coffee some time… or an online catch-up via Zoom. See the Haven Together website to get in touch.
The early morning reflections of a trail runner: alone in the dark
I’m in the middle of a challenge.
Why you might need to mess up your life
Sometimes you’ve got to make a mess to improve the situation.
Understanding Jonah
Jonah stands out amongst the minor prophetic books.
Embracing discomfort
When I experience pain, my first thought is: make it stop! I would say I enjoy running, however, there comes a point towards the end of a run, when my body is going through a considerable amount of discomfort, and all I can think of is stopping. I’m doing something I enjoy, yet I’m counting down to when I get to finish.
Finding a loving God in the violent parts of the Old Testament
There is no denying that there are some unsettling passages in the Old Testament. I remember the first time I read Psalm chapter 137, verse 9, where the psalmist calls the one who dashes the babies of Babylon against the rocks blessed.
Marks on the heart
The human heart has a great capacity for love. But it can only really love one thing supremely. I have had a few different loves of this type over the course of my life, and once something or someone has a hold on you like that, it’s not easy to let it go. Even if it’s ripped away without your choice, you will still try and hang on.
How to conquer temptation with God’s Word and technology
Do you feel powerless against your own selfish desires?
The red door of heaven
I love red doors. For me, there’s just something right about a house with a red door. And as it turns out, I'm not the only one who thinks so.
I had to vacate an old office space at short notice this week. This’ll be easy, I thought. I’ll just pop in this afternoon, put everything into a box and take it to my car.
Run to win
I’ve been having some doubts.