William BJ Weir
Press Services International

William BJ Weir is an Australian traveling and working in Europe. He arrived in the UK just before the pandemic in March 2020, and have been there since. He has plans to see more of Europe as restrictions allow, while developing his writing skills and educating himself on current socio-political issues. He has a background in Geographic Information and the Public Service. In his spare time he enjoys hiking, exercise, reading, photography, and exploring Europe.
Hardship may come but don’t worry, just prepare.
There is something that we urgently need to come to grips with. The world is changing, and not for the best. There is no going ‘back to normal’. Hardship - economic, financial, and social - is likely on the way, with all the associated chaos.
Growing or stagnating
God has a plan for our lives, and there’s always something he wants us working on. Are we working on it though?
Stop being a consumer and become a citizen
Given the increasingly divisive nature of politics and social issues, ordinary conversations now more than ever comprise discussions about the state of affairs and behaviour of our leaders.
Biblical truth is more important than conservative values
Christians engaged in the current culture war find themselves with some unexpected allies in the struggle to preserve good values and traditions, but we must be careful not to compromise our biblical mandate in the pursuit of broader conservative values.
The grass is not always greener on the other side: what I learned while travelling abroad
My time on the other side of the fenceFor the last two years I have been in Europe, most of that time being in the UK ...
Columbus and the ignorance of the west
I recently finished a review for the News Weekly on an increasingly relevant book called ...
It’s time to end Covid hysteria
The Christmas loneliness epidemic
Lock-down: a journey in the wilderness
The wilderness experienceThe proverbial ‘Wilderness’ experience – a familiar concept, that almost everyonegoes through ...
BLM & the Church: the need for truth in compassion
In this age, where everything is political, there is a rising trend of many in the Church advocating for external causes that have the appearance of virtue and compassion. While it is good & essential for Christians to be engaged with social issues, the problem with certain movements is that they present a false compassion – a compassion not founded in truth.