They want to belong

They want to belong

I attended the supermarket to purchase the required items. The standard procedure is that the shopper walks around selecting the desired items, proceeds to the checkout where ‘our’ products are scanned, pays the total price required and exits the store..

  • The Culture Wars

    The battle fronts on which the Culture Wars are fought are as wide, as they are varied. Hostilities rise as opposing camps take up their battle position over Muslim immigration, abortion, euthanasia, climate change and education.

  • I’m engaged! At last!

    The next General Election in New Zealand is coming up on Saturday 23rd September 2017. This is the opportunity that those of us who are 18 years of age or older have to participate in our democratic right to help select those who will govern New Zealand for the next term of three years.

  • A good deed in a weary world

    I read a story with the headline ‘Black Man Grabs White Guy By the Arm.” That is how it started.

  • All lives matter

    This week my heart broke for the family in England of 'ten month' old Charlie Gard who has been sentenced to death.

  • Committing to Church in a casual age

    With life and work becoming increasingly casual for many people, how does this affect the church? Belonging to a church is an invitation to commitment. Yet statistics show that church-going is becoming less regular, with even committed church members attending maybe once or twice a month, compared with 3-4 times a month in earlier generations.

  • “Can a creationist follow a paleo diet?”

    An oxymoron is a paradox, a contradiction in terms. Like a creationist that follows a paleo diet. Or a devout atheist, a definite maybe or a conspicuous absence.

  • Radical Islam or Christianity?

    Mark A. Gabriel PhD grew up a devout Moslem in Egypt. He earned a doctorate in Islamic studies at Al-Azhar University, Cairo. He converted to Christianity and earned a master’s degree in world religion and a PhD in Christian education.

  • The God of the hills and valleys

    Last night I had a dream. I dreamt I was back in a time when my children were babies. I was back in the house we used to live in and reliving a day in my life 15 years ago.

  • Person of faith: Dr Graham McLennan

    “Be doers of the word, not hearers only’ came to mind as I researched the life and times of Dr Graham McLennan and his wife Pam.

  • Free range kids

    Free range chooks lay free range eggs. You are supposed to somehow mystically taste that these eggs came from chooks that are happier, healthier, more at peace, than caged chooks. No?

  • Jacob’s sheep return to Israel

    After the devastating siege that resulted in the destruction of the Second Temple, Ezekiel announced a remnant of the people would one day return.