Cache found (PSI Best of 2018)

Cache found (PSI Best of 2018)

In my archive is a article where a New York land-lord, after the tenant left to move somewhere else, when checking the room, found a cool $1 million under the bed..

  • 2019 young writer program commences today

    The 2019 young writer program in conjunction with Christian Today commenced this morning with an exciting fresh group of international young writers, Kiwi young writers, senior writers, Christian News, Sport and the other regulars.

  • Common sense of locomotive liveries (PSI Best of 2018)

    1952 was a wonderful year for Queensland Railways when the very first mainline diesel electric locomotive came on stream, the gleaming blue and white 1100 class hood designed monster of the rail followed not long after by the streamline designed 1200 Class.

  • Money keeps missions afloat (PSI Best of 2018)

    The Church of England's former Bishop of Rochester Michael Nazir-Ali says that what the great faiths condemn is the irresponsible use of wealth, not wealth itself. The worship of money is the root of all evil and not money on its own.

  • War Artists (PSI Best of 2018)

    Over the years it has come my way to give an ANZAC Day speech and in recent years I have touched on War Artists. 

  • Creditable history associated with faith financed missionary support (PSI Best of 2018)

    Reliable statistics on evangelical missionary endeavours has always been of interest to many of us. Over the past few years I have written much on the nature of faith finances such as how CrossGlobal Link and The Mission Exchange merged representing 35,000 evangelical missionaries deployed in every country by more than 190 agencies and churches in North America.

  • Team work on steam – Footplate Padre (PSI Best of 2018)

    New South Wales Government Railways locomotive crews in the days of steam out the back blocks of the state an all country town depots, everyone worked together to get their trains over long difficult dusty destinations, especially in mid summer.

  • Our family pets and the neighbours (PSI Best of 2018)

    The number of times Shire Councils are asked to adjudicate neighbourhood disputes over pet animals and birds is legion, and some finally end up in a court of law when all other possibilities and compromises and negotiations breaks down.

  • Basil Sellers Annual Young Writer “Art”

    Once again the annual Basil Sellers Young Writer Art work by Tronson du Coudray has been received by Mr Basil Sellers AM. This is the sixth such art work.

  • Population increase is a science

    Previously I have mentioned in this column on numerous occasions since 2008 that a former missionary (a lady) who spent many years in Bangladesh and who travelled extensively throughout the sub-continent and south east Asia said that Australia could settle 20 million from that region.

  • A point of view – men do matter

    Out of my archives I retrieved the article from the Sydney Morning Herald – a published review of Dr Helen Smith’s then new book, Men on Strike: Why Men are Boycotting Marriage, Fatherhood and the American Dream – And Why it Matters and what it contains will be like lighting a bushfire to ready sets of ears.

  • War Tourism is massive (PSI Best of 2018)

    Tourism is a favourite topic of mine and those who have read my column over many years have noted this interest. We founded and ran Australia's Bush Orchestra in Moruya in 1996 and have run many tourism ministry seminars both in Australia and internationally, and a common denominator are the huge numbers who visit war tourist sites.