One Day in Melbourne on 19 May – 9 days away
One Day in Melbourne for 2018 is on the 19 May at the Craigieburn Salvation Army – 75 Interlink Dr, Craigieburn, 20 minutes from Melbourne airport..
Debt from an ex or bought into a relationship
In an article in my archive from the Sydney Morning Herald by Larke Riemer opened a Pandora box of heartache (physical and emotional) when discussing her own bitter experience of what she calls STD (Sexually Transmitted Debt).
Children walking away with a stranger
Not that long ago the Sydney Morning Herald ran a frightening story on how likely it is that our children will walk away with a stranger and under stringent controlled experiment 85% of the kids took the bait.
Young writer reviews - 4
The Press Service International young writer program in conjunction with Christian Today has each Week's editor or coordinator write a review of their week the week after publication.
Politically incorrect statement – led by boycott
A fascinating article some time ago appeared recently in from Italy where in a businessman made a politically incorrect statement regarding the advertising emphasis by his company and then to find the Gay lobby constituency call for a boycott of his product.
A ripe old age – what does it mean?
In a recent article on a new milestone on longevity of living, an Ethiopian man claims he is 160 years old, and it raised the question as to who he might actually know – all his mates and fiends are long dead, mostly 80—90 years ago.
One Day in Melbourne on 19 May – 16 days away
One Day in Melbourne for 2018 is on the 19 May at the Craigieburn Salvation Army – 75 Interlink Dr, Craigieburn, 20 minutes from Melbourne airport.
Family reunions
I for one cannot recount the number of movies produced since the cinema was created based around family reunions. There are depictions of the typical US family union for Thanksgiving, when someone brings home a boy/girl friend, there is the family union on the ranch, in the suburb, the city, where ever really.
Nelson Cook – to coaches - sin is at the door
Nelson Cook who established Coaches of Influence 25 years ago in LA USA writes a monthly letter to the many coaches at professional, college and high school levels and the current correspondence touches the spot.
Never underestimate what children hear at home
This is a story that needs to be told as it reflects Christian homes everywhere. Some years ago now our family celebrated the engagement of our fourth, our third daughter, Salley to Sam. They have now been married four and a half years.
CoolyRocksOn Church Service -10 June – Coolangatta, Gold Coast
The CoolyRocksOn nostalgic Rock 'n Roll Festival held in Coolangatta (Gold Coast) during the entire Queens Birthday 7 day week culminating on Mon 11 June with 115,000 visitors (competing with the numbers at the April Gold Coast Commonwealth Games) is gearing up for another remarkable music and vintage car festival.
The sugar industry needs rail – Footplate Padre
The Footplate Padre was born and raised in the Mackay region of Queensland which is a huge sugar cane growing area. There were several sugar mills in the region and they were all largely supplied in the fifties by an astonishing 2 foot gauge railway network.