Easter - publishing always critical
When I was a school student and growing up in the 1950's and 60's our family household were regular recipients of innumerable Christian newspapers and magazine from various mission societies..
Senior Writers an aberration
The Press Service International young writer program in conjunction with Christian Today has a number of senior writers which seems something on an aberration.
Helping youth make ‘some’ sense of the Bible
Bible Society New Zealand (BSNZ) has produced an innovative new resource to help young people navigate their way through the Bible.
Sub-contractors lose every time
Not that long ago another financial calamity for the construction sub-contractor industry came to notice recently when National Buildplan Group went into administration with at least $18 million owed to small operators – suppliers and sub-contractors.
NZ took jobs from across the Tasman
An article some time ago from Stuff NZ notes how call-centre jobs were coming to Wellington, New Zealand with city councillor John Morrison and businessman John Dow brokering a deal with Australian firm CallActive to bring 300 to 500 call-centre jobs to the city, with that number possibly growing to as many as 2000 in the next few years.
Look further than Smith's cricket saga
Yes, what Steven Smith did was plain stupid. He was the captain of the Australian cricket team leading the Australians in the Test Series with South Africa – a position traditionally held in high regard for integrity as well as skill.
Farming in the outback
An article some time ago in the Sydney Morning Herald by Damien Murphy spelt out some very different farming issues being faced today in the outback with the upshot that female back-backers from Germany, Sweden and Denmark have gone bush and earning $1000 a week, five meals a day and accommodation thrown in.
2018 Panellists well under way in young writer program
The Press Service International young writer program in conjunction with Christian Today see the 2018 Panellist program well under way.
National 'Sector' Contribution
Way back in 1982 Dr David Millington wrote the book 'The Sunburnt Soul' which gained national headlines as he explored the religious contribution to the nation and one statistic that has never been questioned and has oft been quoted is that 82% of all charity in Australia comes through the agencies of the Churches / Denominations.
Sophia Sinclair video interview
This is another of those wonderful interviews for the Australian Missionary News IPTV, this one is of Sophia Sinclair interviewed by Jeremy Dover.
An illustration of leadership
We are constantly being presented ideals of leadership. In the weeks after former British Prime Minister Baroness Margaret Thatcher's April death in 2012, there were innumerable articles written about her including her leadership style, along with assorted radio and television programs.
The secularism of Turkey – incrementally diminished
Many in Turkey have become alarmed with the latest directive which to a host of Turks represents another nail in the coffin of a free Turkey – that of a slow death - to that of an Islamised Turkey – the reader may even recall the ban of red and pink lipsticks on Air Turkey's Airline hostesses.