Federal Court's ruling a bed fellow for itinerant evangelists

Federal Court's ruling a bed fellow for itinerant evangelists

This ruling has serious implications as the reader will soon realise. Some time ago a full bench decision of the Federal Court, as revealed in a Sydney Morning Herald, being injured while having sex when within a work environment is a work related injury and therefore claimable. .

  • Theology adviser aims for main stream

    Way back in 2008 the then Christian Today editor sought me out as a columnist, and shortly afterwards, as a theological and philosophical adviser. Over these past 10 years it has also been my privilege to introduce a team of young sports writers, followed by young Comment writers and then, a team of New Zealand and International young writers.

  • New Zealand young writers working toward autonomy

    The New Zealand young writers program is taking a leap forward with inaugural steps toward autonomy from Australia's Press Service International.

  • 'Small Media” new focus of Christian Media Leaders

    Christian Media Leaders met again with an outcome to work with one or two “small Christian media” each year for positive outcomes.

  • Christian Media Leaders meet for 2nd year – 10 February gathering

    Christian media leaders meet for the second year tomorrow (Saturday) 10 February at the Salvation Army's Stanmore House in Sydney.

  • NZ Tourism and Kiwi Rail hand in hand

    As this article is being published in Christian Today, my wife Delma and I are on our way back to the Gold Coast after a week in New Zealand.

  • Concreting the Laguna Quays Respite drive

    This is another of those wonderful interviews for the Australian Missionary News IPTV, this one is concreting the Laguna Quays Respite drive in 2011.

  • ‘The Resurrection - an unimaginable joy, a story to broadcast’

    Christians have a specific focus on the death of Jesus on the Cross at Calvary which leads us into an unknown world followed by the resurrection which brings hope and assurance.

  • Country Town Tour philosophy a winner  

    The Well-Being Australia 'Country Town Tour' program which has run since the mid eighties has often had long lead-up times as preparations need to be put in place such as youth programs, schools, service clubs, men's breakfasts and dinners and the like.

  • Ethical dilemma for IS captured

    News.com on Monday published an article relating to the capture of German citizen IS bride Linda Wenzel - who found her way to IS at 16 years of age - and the options relating to what happens next.  

  • Caryn Rogers video interview

    This is another of those wonderful interviews for the Australian Missionary News IPTV, this one is of Caryn Rogers interviewed by Delma Tronson.

  • The politic is deadly

    Australia's Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull once revealed the deadly nature of politics: 'There are a lot of people who have been destroyed by political setbacks and I could have been - it was very, very gut-wrenching, it was devastating.'