Doesn't ring true …
Discernment is one of the attributes that followers of Jesus Christ seem to gather as the years roll on..
Rowland Croucher video on the church
Over these past two months it has been my privilege to air some of the older videos Well-Being Australia has released on YouTube – short DVDs that have been played at outreaches such as men's breakfasts and dinner, youth groups and the like.
Laguna Quays Respite – summer is upon us, bookings into2018
The Whitsundays Laguna Quays Respite coordinated by Well-Being Australia for missions is about to embark on its seventh year - proven to be a lovely break away for a wide range of those in Christian service.
Michael Faraday: his Christian faith influenced his science.
Brilliant people in all walks of life can inspire us, showing us the way to improve our own performance. It is natural that we want to try to elucidate how their minds work, to help us in our own quest for excellence.
A week of science articles - Solving the problem of feral cats.
When Europeans first came to the Australian island-continent, they did not understand how to "take care of" their new "garden".
Published today - Retired Australian Cricketers Bi-Annual Newsletter
The latest edition of the Retired Australian Cricketers Bi-Annual Newsletter released 30 November illustrates the value of Respite for the cricket family.
A week of science articles - Can plants talk to each other?
This is an update on my article from May 2013. The magical or mysterious whisperings of trees, as if they are talking to us, have been the stuff of legend, poetry and fiction since time immemorial.
A week of science articles - Pestilence and Disease
When Jesus took his Last Supper: Matthew 26 verses 18-19: "...'I am going to celebrate the Passover with my disciples at your house.' So the disciples did as Jesus had directed them and prepared the Passover."
A week of science articles - Famous paintings depict science or medicine.
I paint pictures for recreation and ministry as part of my personal respite plan, and I often represent the natural environment.
Aira Chilcott - an Australian Panellist for the young writer project
Aira Chilcott is a science teacher and an Australian panellist. These are her own words.
Video on Sports Chaplains and Christian Athletes 18 years to 2000
Mark and Delma Tronson established the Sports and Leisure Ministry in 1982 having attended an international congress on sports mission in Hong Kong and returning to see this vision come to fruition.
Vic Matthews – International Panellist in the young writer program
Vic Matthews is a professional and theological thinker and one of the international young writer panellists. These are his own words.