Gender-based violence 'wielded mercilessly' in Muslim countries
The conclusion of a new report by the US Hudson Institute researcher Lela Gilbert is clear and unequivocal: gender-based violence plays a key strategic role in the plans of those who wish to eradicate Christians and Christian belief from Muslim lands. .
Missionaries consider challenges of evangelism on the 'dark continent
Europe once sent missionaries to the rest of the world. Now Christians in the majority world are increasingly turning their attention to mission on this \"dark continent\", but it is not without its challenges.
Church, Adidas in trademark dispute over Add-A-Zero logo
A trademark dispute between multibillion dollar sporting goods company Adidas and a small Illinois church which rejected the company\'s offer of $5,000 to give up their Add-A-Zero logo is heading to trial.
11 people turn to Christ following Oklahoma tornado tragedy
The Billy Graham Rapid Response Team revealed that 11 people have turned their lives to Christ following another tornado tragedy in Oklahoma, which on Wednesday officials said has claimed the lives of 20 people.
Historic bike ride to combat domestic violence in Papua New Guinea
A team of eight Australian adventurers will cycle 700 km through some of the roughest terrain in PNG next month to raise funds for a multi-purpose women's domestic violence refuge in the Lae, Papua New Guinea.
Indonesia: Hundreds accept Christ in night of revival despite great opposition
Many openly accepted Christ on the final night of the Leading The Way to Revival gatherings at the Istora Stadium in Jakarta, despite a death threat on a pastor instrumental in inviting people to the three-day event.
76-year-old cycling in campaign against world poverty
Colin Brannen, 76, is cycling from Newcastle-Upon-Tyne to London and back again to raise awareness of a campaign to end global hunger.
Reverend Dr David Smethurst once again rejoices in his Eastern European missions
I have just completed a mission to the military in Latvia. This was my 10th stint normally to different intakes of troops each time. Three years ago the commanders asked me to come and do these seminars to disillusioned troops just back from Afghanistan and under immense stress.
Billy Graham evangelistic outreach: Over 12,000 churches participate
Thousands of churches have signed up to participate in the latest evangelism effort by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association to spread the Gospel in North America.
Oklahoma: Christians respond after deadly tornado
The Salvation Army USA and Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) are providing practical and spiritual support after a mile-wide tornado hit Oklahoma City, killing 91.
Global Day of Prayer: Christians unite to pray for healing and restoration
Christians around the globe gathered on Pentecost Sunday in stadiums, auditoriums, churches, homes, and some in secret places, to pray for the healing and blessing of their nations and the world.
Pastoral series on life and death released by Catholic Church
The Australian Catholic Life Council today released a short video series "God So Loved The World" as a pastoral resource to educate, inform and provide information about life issues.