India: attack on revival meeting sends Christians underground
As police looked on, militants attacked a Christian church in central India earlier this month, causing severe injuries to some and sending the pastor into hiding, according to witnesses..
American Iranian Pastor being pressured to deny Christ in prison
Pastor Saeed Abedini, the American pastor serving an 8-year sentence in Tehran, Iran, is being pressured into converting back to Islam, but he has said that that will never happen.
Pakistani Christian murdered after row over religion
A 45-year-old Christian was reportedly shot dead in Pakistan following a heated argument with a local Muslim over religion.
Persecution rising in China as government plans to eradicate house churches
China\'s Christians felt a noticeable rise in persecution in 2012 as the Communist government began the first of a three-phase plan to eradicate unregistered house churches, a new report says.
Egypt: Coptic church building destroyed
A building in a village south west of Cairo housing a reception hall and nursery was destroyed yesterday by a mob following a rumour that it was a church.
Iranian-American detained in Iran facing death penalty
An Iranian-American who will go on trial in Iran on Monday (Jan. 21) for apostasy, or leaving Islam, has been beaten and threatened with the death penalty during interrogation, sources said.
LWFCI endorses Botswana leadership appointment
Lay Witnesses for Christ International's Board of Directors have unanimously endorsed its Presidents' (Dr. Sam Mings, Sr.) recommendation to confirm African Continental Director Wilfred Justin Simbeye\'s appointment of Pastor Henry Mwewa as Botswana National Director
Christians face increased persecution in Islamic world
Release International has warned that Christians face a growing risk of persecution this year in parts of the Islamic world.
Call for religious freedom on human rights day
Christian Solidarity Worldwide is calling for greater protection of religious freedom around the world.
Uzbek pastor released from Kazakhstan prison
Uzbek pastor Makset Djabbarbergenov has been released from prison in Almaty, Kazakhstan.
Algerian faces 5 years in prison for sharing Christian faith
Accusers who say an Algerian Christian insulted Islam provided no evidence to a judge hearing the Christian's appeal of his original sentence.
Swedish Christian elderly female worker shot in Pakistan
A 70-year-old Swedish Christian worker is in critical condition after unidentified gunmen shot her as she returned home from her office in Lahore today, sources said.