Chances are if you say this outloud, those around you will finish it off with “you never know what you’re gonna get.” The quote is taken from the Oscar winning 1994 film “Forrest Gump”. In the first scene of the movie, the main character Forrest (played by Tom Hanks) offers chocolates from his box to a stranger whilst waiting at the bus stop. It is at that time that we hear the now famous line "My mama always said, life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.”
The movie captured the hearts of many and over the years several interpretations of this quote have been offered up. So, is life truly like a box of chocolates? Sweet? Nutty? Chewy? Crunchy?
Have you ever received a box of chocolates? It is often a very exciting gift to get, especially as a child. You know right away that you’re holding a box of sweet treats, depending on your personal preference you may find all of the fillings delectable or only enjoy one and not care for the rest. Was Forrest correct? How will you know which one to pick?
Lift the lid. Most chocolate selections contain a guide, most often on the inside of the lid or as an insert covering the chocolates themselves, sometimes one the bottom of the box. It identifies each treat by shape and name and describes the filling and the type of chocolate it is made from. Rarely does one get a box of chocolate and not know what it contains
When God gave each of us life (our box of chocolates) He also gave us directions, illustrations and descriptions; The Bible. At no point in our existence are we completely uninformed. God is sovereign and whilst we cannot predict His every move, we are never left stumbling around in the dark when walking with Him. ‘Lift the Lid’, open up His Word and take a look at what He has in store for you.
If we are comparing life to chocolates, why isn’t it always sweet?
In John chapter 16 verse 33 Jesus said to His disciples I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.
Not every morsel in our chocolate box will be one we like, some may even be quite unpleasant even after we’ve looked at the guide and discerned what the filling is. The point is as Christians we will have to encounter difficult and offensive situations, like the variations in a box of chocolate but we need not be afraid to ‘take a bite’.
I’m yet to meet someone for whom a box of chocolates is a recurring item on their weekly shopping list. It is usually given or received as a gift or purchased as a special treat to oneself. Life in spite of all the ups and downs, is a gift given to us. Psalm chapter 118 verse 24 statesThis is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. We should not despise life but seek every opportunity to taste and see that the LORD is good. Psalm chapter 34 verse 8. Just like taking a bite from a box and savouring every bit of it, the gift of life is filled with moments that we are to intentionally focus on, enjoy and reminisce on.
As tempting as I'm sure it is, rarely does one possess a box of chocolates and consume the entire thing alone.
A box of chocolates is not meant to be experienced alone, neither is life. In early Genesis we see God's desire for us to have companionship when He created Eve after declaring, It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him. Genesis chapter 2 verse 18.
Doing life with others, being able to rely on, lean on and impart to others makes the sweet times sweeter and the sour times a little easier to digest.
Overconsumption; eating an entire box of chocolates by yourself will more likely leave you feeling sick and full of regret. Doing life alone certainly leaves us heart sick and in many cases physically unwell.
We are to be deliberate in including others in our experiences whether joyous or jarring. Showing someone you care does not just manifest in you doing something for them but in you allowing them to do something for you.
I pray after reading this that you not only look at chocolates differently but life and how you live it also.

Danelle M. Pinnock first emerged as a writer when she began chronicling her journey with God, through a debilitating sickness. Her authentic reflections provided encouragement to many and resulted in her first publication “31 Day Devotional- Quiet Time.”
This full time homemaker, a proud Jamaican, lives in Kingston with her husband Raul and their two children Levi and Zhuri. Along with her freelance writing, she is a worship leader at her church where her husband, a cancer survivor, serves as a deacon.
Follow her on Instagram @danellewritesstuff to learn how God guides a woman with a background in Chemistry, Business Management and Public Health to skillfully pen His methods and His ways through sickness, marriage and parenting.