The XXX Olympiad will be LWFCI's 8th Summer Olympic Outreach and is projected to have its largest ever team, a ministry known as Chaplains to the World's Olympians.
Pastor Steve Wages is a sixth generation preacher, married to Kim with a son, Noah. Steve Wages is the founder and senior pastor of New Beginnings Baptist Church, Jacksonville, Florida. He leads this thriving, exciting and mission-minded congregation with a pedigree in preaching revival.
Press Service International's Mark Tronson put these questions to Steve Wages.
What led you to join with lWFCI and the Dr Mings team?
This is totally a GOD-thing. My dear friend, Evangelist Frank Shelton, suggested once in passing, that I should consider joining the LWFCI London team. At the time, I honestly did not give it any more consideration. But, after putting it before the Lord in prayer, the Lord connected Dr. Ming and myself, and once I spoke with him, and sensed his heart for evangelism, I knew within my heart God wanted to me to be a part of this soul-saving ministry.
How do you see yourself & or your ministry making a difference at the XXX Olympiad in London?
In all honesty, there is only ONE person that can make a difference at the XXX Olympic Games in London, and that is Jesus Christ. My involvement makes little difference, but His atonement makes ALL the difference. I have learned that although God does need us, He doesn't have to use us. He will always have a person to "stand in the gap and make up the hedge," with me or without me. None of us are indispensable, but what an honour and privilege when He allows us opportunities to be an ambassador for Christ. Without Him, I can't. Without us, He won't. He has chosen the likes of sinners saved by grace to reconcile others to Himself. When I arrive in London, I'll be a sinner telling other sinners where to find salvation.
Growing up years, conversion and Christian development
My late father the Reverend Walt Wagers (mum Eva) raised the family in the church and I never knew anything else. It wasn't until I was 18 years of age and a college freshman (1st year) on August 10, 1985 that I personally gave my life to Jesus Christ. I loved basketball and played at collegiate levels including some international competition. I likewise received numerous awards both athletically and academically.
In October 1988, I answered the call of God upon my life to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. I entered full-time Christian service as an associate pastor in 1992, and entered the pastorate in 1995 serving churches in Virginia, South Carolina and Florida. In August 2009, the Lord led me to start New Beginnings Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Florida. I graduated in 1990 from Butler University, and also attended Moody Bible College.
Preparation on UK ministry
My main desire is to be used of God to reach souls for Christ. I believe my athletic background provides me with an open door to many of the athletes, as I can relate to where some of them are in their walks of life and can introduce Jesus to them where they are. I am astutely aware that I cannot do anything without divine empowerment; thus, I am asking that God will grant myself, as well as the entire LWFCI team a fresh anointing and outpouring of His Spirit to be His hands, His feet and His voice.
Strategic thinking on evangelism
Vance Havner said, "For a Christian to say he's going to major on evangelism, is like a railway company saying they're going to major on transportation." Every Christian is to be an evangelist, as well as evangelistic. Jesus came to "seek and to save." We are to "Sow" and to "Share." It is no accident that the first two letters of God are the word "GO!" Heaven is sweet, hell is sure, and time is short to let people know that God is love and Jesus Saves. Evangelism is God's method of reaching the world that He died for, and I'm honoured to be one of the beggars telling other beggars where to find the Bread of Life.
Prayers and dreams for the Olympics and possibly next time in Rio...?
Words cannot express the gratitude that floods my soul for this amazing opportunity of Kingdom business. What an amazing platform for evangelism the Olympic games provide, and I thank God for the vision Dr. Ming, and the LWFCI team have in reaching champion athletes for Christ. I pray that God will reach the greatest harvest ever reached at the 2012 Olympiad in London in the evangelism of sinners, the exhortation of saints, and most of all, the exaltation of the Saviour.
Bridging the Gap – London 2012 – Chaplains to the World's Olympians
Dr Sam Mings explained that Steve Wages is part of the strongest LWFCI Olympic Ministry ever and with Robin Rees leading the team effort, the Churches are stepping forward to embrace Lay Witnesses for Christ International's eighth Summer Olympic Outreach.
Dr Sam Mings said: "Going to the Olympic host cities Churches is a core aspect of our ministry in order that every convert to Christ are linked into local fellowships (churches), and these people will speak as their testimony what God did in their midst in London 2012.
"We receive mail and e-mails, sometimes years later, how the Lord touched their lives through a LWFCI outreach. Over these past 33 years, we believe that no force can pluck "one" out of the hand of the Heavenly Father when someone has truly been born again."
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