|PIC1|Archbishop Baliozian was the guest speaker at the breakfast hosted by the City of Ryde Council's Interchurch Taskforce. His topic was Building Bridges of Communication within Communities. There are a significant number of Armenians living within the Ryde community, having come from a relatively small nation. 3.5 million Armenians continue to live in their homeland and a further 2.5 million live in diaspora.
Martyrdom inhabits the history of the Armenian nation for to be Armenian, means to be Christian. "For us Christianity is not a fashion, we cannot take it off like a dress. Christianity and nationality are integral to being Armenian," said the Archbishop.
Christianity came to prominence in Armenia in A.D. 301. It was in 406 that an alphabet was constructed and the first book to be translated into the language was the "Spirit of God", more commonly known as the Holy Bible. It is called the Spirit of God because it reveals the living God who is alive and active in the lives of the people. This first translation was finished in 433. In 451 Armenia was invaded by the Kurds who tried to force the people to return to paganism. Due to the deeply ingrained nature of their faith the Kurds were unsuccessful and ever since the Armenians have been prepared to walk the way of the "Via Delorosa" for their faith.
Today Armenian culture remains firmly embedded in those living within Australia. To be Armenian means being involved in the community and getting to know everyone living in the streets where they live. They participate in society and look out for and care for one another, not being isolated, but being fully involved in society. These traits come from an understanding of the Christian faith and the need to love and care for one's neighbours.
The Prayer Breakfast finished with a number of members of the community leading the gathering in prayer for our world, peace and our nation with its multicultural mix.
The Interchurch Taskforce have organised the first local Heritage and Hope Forum which will be conducted during the Ryde Christian Heritage Week 24 to 30 August. The Forum itself will run on Saturday 30 August from 9.30 am. More details are available from RydeChristianHeritage@live.com.