It’s that time of the year once again; the birth of a new year to come. What comes over us at this time of the year is a sense of achievement, relief, hope and anticipation for the New Year to come.
Whether you smashed 2017 or just barely survived it, being a Christian and going into a new year brings a new sense of birthing faith. Like a new babe relying on the Word of God as milk, we march into another year. We have a need and service to continue in our fight against the worldviews of what New Year Resolutions are, and remind ourselves that nothing we do is for our own glory; it’s for God’s glory alone.
As Christians, our focus should be on how to follow the will of God; whether it’s new job opportunities, new changes, new studies, new relationships or failed promises, one thing that remains constant is the love and grace of God in our lives. Nothing we do can change that or minimise what God has in store for us. So how can we incorporate God into our lives for the next year?
Here are 4 principles that can help guide us in making New Year Resolutions.
1. Trust in God wholeheartedly
As it says in Proverbs chapter 3 verses 5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him and he will make your paths straight”.
One of the first and foremost resolutions you can make as a Christian, especially if you are in business, is to trust God wholeheartedly. Don’t stay up all night worrying about cash flow, sales, and how to get that next client. Don’t fret if you hit a stumbling block, instead, trust in God and have faith He will lead you to your next step.
2. Ask and pray continuously
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you” (Matthew chapter 7, verse 7).
When you feel that you have reached a major crossroad in your personal life or business life, whom do you turn to? Do you turn to advisors, financial mentors, business coaches, friends, family and then God last?
Try this one for next year—ask God first, and seek Him before anyone else and notice the empowering difference. Pray and leave your worries to God. Let Him handle your stress and know that He is almighty God.
3. Keep it real
Keep your New Year Resolutions real.
What do I mean by this?
Do not try to ask for the world, when you intend to sit still. I am a firm believer in the phrase “God helps those who help themselves”. Faith isn’t passive; it’s active. We make resolutions actively, knowing that God will be a rock for us to stand on to achieve our goals for the new year.
Find a way to sort your life out into categories of friendship, parenthood, marriage or relationships, education, career, hobbies etc. and seek to add a small realistic goal to each one. Have a dialogue with God, talk with Him, and ask Him to show you the way.
4. Be flexible for God’s changes
I like these two phrases: “God works in mysterious ways” and “God has a good sense of humour”. Sometimes in life, we don’t get what we want so badly. We make decisions hoping it is the best decision to make, and then we realise it is a bad one. When this happens, do we forgive ourselves and trust in God, or do we crumble and curse the world?
God is always working behind the scenes, He never reveals to us ahead of time. He does it at exactly the right time, in His own time. He doesn’t run by our clock and motion of time. So be flexible if God wants you to change directions or delay goals. He knows far more than we do and has plans far greater than we can ever plan for ourselves.
God is always guiding us; Jesus is walking with us, promising never to leave us. Set up your New Year and business goals with these principles in mind and remember,
“Now to the God who can do so many awe-inspiring things, immeasurable things, things greater than we ever could ask or imagine through the power at work in us, to Him be all glory…” (Ephesians chapter 3, verses 20-21)
Clarissa Yates is a columnist writer for Christian Biz Australia. She seeks to encourage others to seek God in all things and through her own life as a work-at-home mum. She resides in Perth, WA with her husband, two daughters and runs her own online shop at
Clarissa Yates is a young writer and a mum of two from Perth, Western Australia and a business woman with her 'Hooked in a Box' - Hooked in a Box is a curated gift box studio company that hand-picks and creates customised and personalised gift boxes for Mum and babies. Clarissa Yates previous articles may be viewed at