Biblical convictions are essential for spiritual maturity and growth. Convictions are part of your character. The dictionary defines Convictions as ‘fixed or strong beliefs’. Convictions can be much more than that. Your convictions include your motivations, values, and commitments.
We have conviction when we are thoroughly convinced or fully persuaded that something is true and right to do. Howard Hendricks describes convictions well… “A belief is something you will argue about. A conviction is something you will die for!”
When it comes to sharing your faith, you don’t need much more than a relationship with God and someone to share with, however, to last the distance as a faith-sharing Christian, there are a few convictions required.
6 convictions of effective faith sharing Christians…
01. Jesus matters - Jesus is the most revolutionary person to have ever lived. If people see Him for who He really is their lives will be forever changed. Effective faith-sharing Christians have a conviction that Jesus is who He said and are passionate about pointing people to Him. Without Jesus, we have no reason to share our faith.
02. The Holy Spirit matters - The Holy Spirit inspired the writings of the Bible, revives the repentant heart, and gives assurance to those of us who are Christians. He sanctifies us, fills us with His presence and helps us understand the Bible. Effective faith-sharing Christians have a conviction that they must be led by the Holy Spirit daily. Without the Holy Spirit, we have no authority when sharing our faith.
03. Others matter - People matter to Jesus, and if people matter to Jesus, they should matter to us. Our faith does not make us better than others. Effective faith-sharing Christians have a conviction that others are made in the image of God. Without others, we have no one to share our faith with.
04. The Bible matters - The Bible contains the very words of God written down. God still speaks into our lives through the Bible. We learn of who He is and how He acts. We learn what saddens His heart and what makes Him laugh. Effective faith-sharing Christians have a conviction that the Bible is the infallible word of God. Without the Bible, we have no compass when sharing your faith.
05. Prayer matters - Prayer is powerful! It is the confession of our dependence on God. Prayer is saying “God, I need you” in a world that says, “I need no one”. Prayer is an opportunity to tap into God’s power. Effective faith-sharing Christians have a conviction that prayer has the power to change situations. Without prayer, we share our faith in our own strength.
06. Church matters - Jesus called ‘The Church’ His Bride. He loves ‘The Church’ and is returning for ‘The Church’. He also refers to ‘The Church’ as His Body. it is community and accountability. Where we learn to love others and show the world outside our circle just who Jesus is. Effective faith-sharing Christians have a conviction that the church is where discipleship happens. Without Church, we have no accountability and encouragement when sharing our faith.

Reuben Skewes is an Australian pastor’s kid by birth, a graphic designer by trade and a husband and father by choice. He spent many years working with troubled teens, served as a pastor in his local church and currently is pioneering new ways to combine mission and technology to share Jesus.