Prime Minister Scott Morrison was a surprise guest at Hillsong Conference day 1, where he led a Prayer for our nation and especially our farmers in drought conditions.
The theme of the night was breaking spiritual drought and how appropriate it was to have the Prime Minister who also reflected on his election victory and his belief in miracles share in a prayer for our nation’s farmers.
The Prime Minister spoke about the miracle of his first child being born after 17 years of driving and being born on the 7th July 2007, (7 of course represents a perfect number in the scripture) and he spoke with authority as a leader when praying for our nation’s future.
Though the level of atmosphere and expectation was there. Miracles are expected to fall in people’s lives and the belief was there for our farmers.
Hillsong Senior Pastor Brian Houston also spoke on the importance of rain in order to break spiritual droughts in our lives.
But really stirred the level of faith in the room was a testimony he shared following a mega prayer night at Hillsong Church.
Every year in June Hillsong have nationwide mega prayer night where every Hillsong campus in Australia gathers their congregation to pray for needs in people’s lives.
One of the things they prayed for and quite passionately he added was rain for the farmers.
Houston talked about how as Christians we have authority to command to command the rain and using the prophet Elijah in 1 Kings as an example.
The morning after their prayer night Houston discovered and shared with the 29,000 strong crowd in the room that rain had swept across Australia and even a dry state like South Australia had received records amount of rain which was greater then what they had received in years.
When the wider body gather together powerful things happen. The leader of the nation was prayed over, rain from heaven was commanded and when brothers and sisters dwell in united the Lord commands a blessing (Psalm 133).
It will be interesting to see what happens tomorrow, with 80,000 extra people coming to the Olympic Park for State of Origin, the atmosphere will be liking nothing seen in this park since the Olympics.
Ben Kruzins is the Campus Pastor of The Hub Baptist Church in Ocean Shores on the North Coast of New South Wales. He is also a Journalism graduate who has written articles in The Canberra Times and The Sydney Morning Herald.

Ben Kruzins is the Campus Pastor of The Hub Baptist Church in Ocean Shores on the North Coast of New South Wales. He is also a Journalism graduate who has written articles in The Canberra Times and The Sydney Morning Herald.