The story of Rebekah
In the story of Rebekah in Genesis chapter 24, we learn that Rebekah was positioned to be an answer to Abraham’s servant’s prayer.
Abraham told his servant to go to his relatives and get a wife for his son, Isaac.
Abraham’s servant prayed,asking God to let a young woman, who gives him and his camels a drink from the well, be the womanfor Isaac (Genesis chapter 24, verses 12-14).
A young woman called Rebekah was at the well and gave Abraham’s servant and his camels a drink. Rebekah was a relative of Abraham’s family, so she was being positioned to be his prayer (Genesis chapter 24, verses 15-27).
Have you been someone who answered someone else’s hope and/or prayer? Or, have someone responded toyour hope and/or prayer?
I sure have answered my friend’s hope and/or prayer.
Being positioned
A long time ago, one of my friends needed a faith community, and I got her one by bringing her into one of the home groups.
My hopes and/or prayers also have been answered countless times.
One of my hopes had been sharing testimonies continually at a church. Due to the divine intervention betweenthe Waiheke campus pastor and me, Ihave been placed at Waiheke Island Baptist Church as a testimony speaker.
Another example is I imagined that I get to proofread and check others’ testimonies or encourage those who shared testimonies in the future. Recently, I got a job at Normal asa testimony manager. As a testimony manager, I get to proofread people’s testimonies and make sure they go on ‘Normal’ application.
Responding to and answering people’s prayers often can happen between faith communities. This is part of God’s plan.
God designed people’s lives to be intertwined with one another’s life so that they can do life and faith together, rather than doing life and faith by themselves.
No matter how smart we are, we are bound to fall at some point if we are doing life by ourselves.
For example,apparently a special friend of mine have noted thatmy theological knowledge is beyond my age. I wasin my 20s, but another friend thought I wasin my 40s.My pastor friend also told me that I might besmarter than her.
Nonetheless, self-care has been my weakest point for a long time.I was trying to manage my time effectively,but I rarely slept when I did my first two Carey papers in 2016.I still struggle with time management.
However, due to my two dearest friends’ constant reminders and my sore neck experiences, I realise the significance of sleep.Sleep refreshes our minds to think appropriately.
Although I sleep less now, somehow, I think my time is getting more manageable eachday.But, I still have to work on my time management.
Therefore, God’s plan for us is to get along with one anotherto the point that we can be accountable partners through faith in Christ.

Kevin Park is studying at Carey Baptist College and finds that Christian-writing is his ultimate will of God and his ultimate method to build the kingdom of God. He started to become a Christian writer from 2013. Other than his writing life, Kevin desires to see that each finds everlasting satisfaction in God, the Almighty. You will be able to contact him at kevin.park1991@gmail.com. He loves to encourage others spiritually.
Kevin Park’s previous articles may be viewed at http://www.pressserviceinternational.org/kevin-park.html