Contrary to what people have heard through the media that Coronavirus is an unstoppable force, God is telling us it will be eradicated by people of faith through prayer.
Jesus Christ has already defeated coronavirus supernaturally in the heavenly realms he just needs his people to start praying with his authority against it with the Holy Spirit on Earth for it to manifest in the physical realm.
Just like every other plague and disease coronavirus can be cast out or broken off with the name and authority of Jesus Christ and healed through the holy spirit.
- "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever". Hebrews 13. 8.
- "And he went throughout all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and affliction among the people". Matthew 4. 23.
Coronavirus is a scheme designed by the enemy to keep people chained in their flesh / ego in fear and to keep their focus off JESUS CHRIST. It is designed to make people feel helpless and defeated in chains of bondage which is how Satan controls and builds his kingdom (which has already been defeated (Revelation 20, 21, 22). Satan knows he and all his schemes can be defeated through prayer in the name of Jesus Christ so one of his tactics is to get people to stop praying.
When a person is bound in their flesh/ego they are likely to pray less and significantly less when they are feeling defeated:
-"The natural person does not accept the things of the spirit of God, for they are folly to him and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned". 1 Corinthians 2. 14.
Gods kingdom operates in love through Jesus Christ and the holy spirit and heavenly angels. Satans kingdom operates through fear and bondage through demons and manifestations of demonic attack which is what disease (coronavirus) essentially is. It doesn't come from God because Jesus Christ is ALWAYS the healer - never the destroyer.
- "The thief comes only to steal and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly". John 10. 10-11.
Responding to Coronavirus through fear, worry and helplessness plays right into Satan's hands and his plans.
Responding to coronavirus and its eradication through prayer with the authority and name of Jesus Christ with the holy spirit is how this scheme will be defeated and this is what Satan doesn't want people to know. He wants people caught in the illusion that nothing can be done.
Prayer suggestions
For the World:
"In Jesus Christ's name we decree the total destruction and removal of coronavirus wherever it exists in the world with the blood and authority of Jesus Christ and the holy spirit and we decree in Jesus Christ's name wherever it has been destroyed it will be replaced with the healing and presence of the holy spirit". AMEN.
Individually for protection:
"In Jesus Christ's name I/we decree that coronavirus cannot land on me/us because we are supernaturally protected by the holy spirit at all times and he goes ahead with heavenly angels on my/our behalf into the future and all areas that I/we go to eliminate every risk through Jesus Christ". AMEN.
Reading Psalm 91 and Ephesians chapter 6 verses 10-18 aloud regularly creates a supernatural veil of protection - not just for coronavirus.
We feel that this information can also be shared with people who don't have faith at a fearful time for them to introduce them to the ultimate reality of supernatural living through Jesus and the kingdom of God.
We have no doubt that God will glorify himself through eradication of coronavirus through Jesus Christ and the holy spirit through prayer by demonstrating to the world that they are indeed real and able to supernaturally solve many of the worlds problems based in love that humans on their own cannot.

Tim Crawshaw is an advocate for Christianity to move back to it's supernatural roots from religion into relationship with Jesus. He runs a wilderness ministry in Tasmania, Australia, called "The Bay of Fires Walk For Spiritual Seekers" which gives participants an opportunity to authentically and supernaturally encounter God in some of the most beautiful isolated beaches in the world to receive restoration and life changing spiritual growth. Contact Tim through the walk website here: https://www.bayoffireswalkforspiritualseekers.com/