In her book, 'Expecting to See Jesus: A Wake-Up Call for God's People', Lotz details the signs of the Second Coming and the implications it could have on the world.
She wants the nations to realise that the terrorist attacks of 9/11 ten years ago were a wake-up call from God.
She said: "The signs that Jesus gave and the headlines in the news are coming together in a dramatically sobering way.
"I have held the conviction with intense focus since I was in my early 20s that if I live out my natural lifetime, I will live to see the physical return of Jesus to earth!"
Lotz remembers how September 11 personally transformed her own faith and instilled in her a passion to share her convictions with others.
"On that day, God woke me up and set my heart on fire to tell other people the glorious good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
"Within my lifetime, I have seen the fulfillment of every sign Jesus gave his disciples 2,000 years ago.
"Not only have I seen the signs but I have observed the local, national and global 'birth pains' increase in astonishing frequency and intensity.
"I am convinced that the kingdoms of this world are about to give birth to the kingdom of God."
Lotz launched her own ministry in 2000 and has spoken on seven continents, in more than 20 foreign countries, proclaiming the Word of God in arenas, churches, conferences and prisons.
Her father, Billy Graham, is arguably the world's most famous evangelist of all time.
Now aged 92, he is suffering from ill health and rarely leaves his home. It is estimated the legendary preacher led more than 2.5million to Christ during his lifetime of preaching.