As little as three weeks back, Georgian priest Bishop Eddie Long made headlines for his rapid weight loss. Attributing his transformation to a vegan diet, the pastor reportedly stated, "You know, basically, many of us are still eating from a slave menu and need to check that. I have gone total raw vegetable, that's right, total raw vegetable and so I'm somewhat of a vegan. And for all you vegans out there I never thought I'd do this, never thought it but I am and it's really, really given me a lot of energy."
However, more recent news suggests that there's a deeper health scare beneath the bishop's trim exterior. Christian Post reported a revelation from William McCray III, the founder of Obnoxioustv's blog.
According to the blogger, a member of the bishop's church who also happened to be a close friend of the controversial pastor divulged that the latter has been diagnosed with stage 4 gastro-intestinal cancer.
While this came as a shock to many readers, McCray affirms that his source was a very reliable one, as several phone calls and texts went on to confirm. The pastor's friend went on to add that despite the intimidating diagnosis, Bishop Eddie Long continues to fall back on his faith.
Statistically speaking, the American Cancer Society records that the 5-year survival rate for patients afflicted with cancer of the stomach is around 29 percent in the United States. While this does not spell good news, the details of the issue remain unestablished as yet, since no official statement has been offered by the bishop himself.
Meanwhile, McCray offers more insight on the pastor's condition, "Bishop Long has been admitted to an Atlanta hospital this week where he has been since Monday and not yet discharged. The reliable source went on to say the doctors have given Bishop Long up and there is nothing they can do, but try to make him comfortable. Although, Bishop Long is not willing to accept that he is ill and quoting the scripture that life and death lies in the power of the tongue."
He added that the cancer was "discovered in the 4th stage and he literally has months to live."