Black Stump has always been committed to providing an event worthy of its standing as this country's longest running Christian Festival. Unfortunately, Early-bird ticket sales have been significantly lower than expected, combined with an inability to reduce set overheads at the current venue. As a result, the festival directors have deemed proceeding with this year's festival to be financially irresponsible. Instead, the directors would like to focus on a positive future and will use the time to address the areas of the event that require attention in order to again provide the festival that ALL stumpers expect.
"We strongly believe that Black Stump continues to play a significant cultural role in shaping the Church in Australia to be mission and justice focused, and invite you to join with us in prayer as we seek God's counsel on this issue," said David Hogg, the Chairman of the Black Stump Board of Directors in a released statement.
Black Stump will contact all ticket purchasers via email within 7 days to outline the refund process.
On the web: www.blackstump.org.au