With so many Christians believing that God is angry at them, the New York Times bestselling author was inspired to write her hundredth book with the same title as her Facebook post, God Is Not Mad At You.
In the introduction she asks "Where does this concept of God come from?" and sets out to remind struggling Christians that God is good, forgiving and all-loving.
For Christians who find it difficult to reconcile their misconception of God with their faith in the resurrected Christ, this book is perfect and Meyer offers practical advice about how to reject false images of God as an angry and punishing judge.
She writes: "God's mercy is new every day! It is a gift and can only be enjoyed if it is received freely."
Later in the book she answers and untangles the questions of many confused Christians, such as: Is God angry? What to do about sin? And questions about guilt and shame.
Meyer's advice is to forget our sins by handing them to the Lord and allowing ourselves to receive and be instructed through life by the Holy Spirit.
"Remember, no matter how many mistakes you have made in the past... GOD IS NOT MAD AT YOU! Start today believing that your future is filled with good things and refuse to give up until you are enjoying all of them. Start today being the person God meant you to be," she writes.
Meyer's books largely attract women - mothers, career-minded women, those with busy schedules – and therefore like her other works, 'God Is Not Mad At You' offers a quick and easy read with simple themes and relatable messages brought to life by anecdotes drawn from her personal life and experience.
Alongside key biblical verses, it's easy to relate Meyer's ideas to real-life - something that would appeal to women who cannot spare time for a more thorough read.
Meyer's simple and repetitive style of writing may be not be so engaging to the more academically minded and readers who seek in-depth explorations of faith.
Despite this, the book is effective in addressing the fears of those who suffer from excessive guilt and drives home the message that God forgives and most definitely not mad with those who call him Father.
God Is Not Mad At You should help such readers better understand their relationship with God and crave His love more.