‘Born Free’ was the title of a seriously popular movie in the 1960s (Yes, I’m showing my age). The movie was based on the true story of an orphaned lioness, which was raised by a British couplein captivity, in Kenya,and who ultimately released ‘Elsa’ back to the wild. There she was free to roam, hunt, play and mate, without the restriction of a holding compound.
‘Born Free’ was enjoyed by millions and its theme song, heard on the lips of thousands (yes people used to sing in those days…… odd I know). Its immense popularity can be attributed to an analogously-implied cultural belief that lions, like people should be Free.
Why should we believe that we’ve an inherent right to be free?
Seriously, why do you think you’ve the right to be Free? On what basis do you hold this position?I put it to you that your freedom and my freedom is an oddity when set against the backdrop of the history of civilisation. In the context of millennia,Freedom is the exception to the rule, and not the rule itself.
In feudal Europe, only a few centuries ago you’d awake from your straw bed, eat a bowl of gruel, then work the fields of your lord from dawn to dusk, allowed keep what was left from your labour after paying him a tribute.
Similarly in feudal Korea, not that long ago, you’d likewise toil as a peasant, without any recourse to justice.You or your family could be taken into the service of your overlord, as slaves.
Perhaps you’d prefer to be born in China as a woman,only tohave your feet bound, in order to stop you running away from your master, oops I meant husband. This benighted practise was finally banned in 1911.
Or you could’ve been cursed with beauty. Where in Japan up until around 1860 you’d enterinto the service of a noble man or a samurai as a female sex slave(in polite circles aka a Courtesan), until your beauty faded, if you didn’t die of venereal disease before then.
Need I mention the slave markets of Zanzibar, where the corpses of dying African slaves were left to rot on the beach?
I think you get my point. Only the rich were free, the rest of us, slaves. Here’s the thing:Freedom is a novel cultural concept (no not a book, but something new and daring).
So why do we believe that everyone has the right to freedom?
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think the principles found in the Bible could explain our concurrence with the notion of Freedom for all.
Out of the Reformation a nascent belief in equality and freedom emerged, which continued to develop over the next two centuries until it reached its triumphant formulation in the ‘American Declaration of Independence’ (it echoes Genesis chapter 1).
Look at the text with me, and I dareyou to tell me that your heart is not stirred.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. --That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed
Jefferson captures the profundity of Equality and Freedomfor us in his majestic statement, the original source of which is nothing other than the word of God. Our Creator, Yahweh has endowed us with our Freedom, by virtue of us being his Image Bearers. Genesis chapter 1, verse 27.
Believing that our Freedom is conferred on us by Government, that it can be granted or withdrawn at their whim, is effrontery of the highest order against the throne of Heaven.
The Government isn’t doing you any favours
It amazes me that the proletariat obsequiously follow the Government mandates and allow policies to be implemented, that are hostile to the welfare of our nation without a whimper of protest from the majority. (Apart from those crazyanti-vaxers, don’t they know that those draconian, illegal and unconstitutional restrictions are for our good)
Hard working people are thrown out of work, no longer able to support their families, because they refuse to be part of the world’s largest medical experiment,passports need to be shown for entry into various premises, kids in our schools are indoctrinated with LGBT propaganda and babies left to die unattended on the abortion table.
When as a nation, ‘we the sheepeople’ wake up, we’ll realise that Governments exist, not to tyrannise us, but protect our divinely conferred rights …. toLife, Liberty and the pursuit of Happinessand that the power which they exercise over us is granted to them by our consent. When enough of us see that Government’s only legitimate source of power is from those whom they govern, thenwe can be an impetus for change, for Freedom.
The founding fathers of America knew too well the proclivity of Governments to degenerate into tyranny; that’s why they also included this section in the Declaration of Independence ……….
But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce the people under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.—
Think about it, isn’t now the right time to push back?
Will you take the ‘Red Pill or the Blue’?

Vic Matthews, has three degrees B.Optom, B.Arts & B. Christian Studies. Is available as a Guest Speaker for your next Church conference or camp. He is a fledgling author, and copywriter.
For more information visit http://www.graphw.co/
Vic Matthews' previous articles may be viewed http://www.pressserviceinternational.org/vic-matthews.html