Fishtail received the prestigious award at the annual CAMS presentation night at Bathurst in front of competitors and officials from all codes of motor sport. Graeme Everton one of the Directors of CAMS explained, the award is given to those who have given exemplary service to CAMS and to motor sport, usually over many years and often in a variety of roles and activities. Everton said "Fishtail was awarded the Service Star for 'Outstanding commitment to motor sport, the community and youth".
Fishtail donates more than 200 days of his time every year to engage, motivate and inspire high school students, young inmates of correctional centres, business people and members of the public to live a life to the full.
Fishtail delivers the Jesus Racing "Life Choices" program to around 30,000 student across Australia every year (250,000 since the program began). The program focuses on effective decision making around areas such as drugs, binge drinking, teenage sex, smoking, cyberspace, road safety and faith.
"I don't pull any punches. I'm not there to tell them what to do or not do, that is a waste of time but I am there to challenge them to think for themselves and not get caught up in the moment and just following the crowd", says Fishtail who has been doing this for the past five years, "I really enjoy my motor racing but speaking to all of these young people is a real privilege.
In receiving the award Fisher said, I thought they had made a mistake and got me mixed up with Andrew Fisher who works at the CAMS Head Office." Much to the amusement of the crowd at the function, Fisher admitted that he had on occasions used his namesake to his advantage when needing to get in touch with someone that was difficult to contact at the Head office.
Fisher went on to say that no one does what they do for recognition and it was a remarkable feeling to be honoured in such a way, he thanked his wife for her support and dedication to the cause.
Fishtail began his racing career in a Daewoo and has since raced in the Mini series, Lotuses and BMW's at the Bathurst 12 Hour. He has also competed in the Development Series and raced in the V8 Supercar endurance races at Phillip Island and the Bathurst 1000. After starting in the V8 Ute Series in 2007, where he won Rookie Of The Year, he has continually challenged for the Championship title.
True to his calling, before taking to the streets of Sydney Olympic Park for the Sydney 500, Fishtail will be in front of another group of people - this time hundreds of men from across Sydney attending the Jesus Racing "Life In The Fast Lane" event at the Sydney Olympic Park Sports Centre (Wednesday December 4 from 6.30PM, tickets are $30 at www.jesusracing.com)