In the wake of GoFundMe’s removal of Israel Folau’s fundraiser, the Australian Christian Lobby has today donated $100,000 to his legal defence and is assisting Israel Folaul to launch an alternative fundraising site.
ACL managing director, Martyn Iles, said, “There is an outpouring of support for Israel Folau from the Australian community, who see Israel’s case as their case. They feel the pinch of political correctness, and the erosion of their basic freedoms.”
“The success of the Folau fundraiser was giving ‘quiet Australians’ a voice.”
“By launching an alternative fundraising site to GoFundMe today, we are ensuring that the voice of quiet Australians continues to be heard, and Israel Folau continues to know that he is not alone.”
Iles said that GoFundMe had only confirmed the concerns of Folau’s supporters.
“Folau’s supporters will only be emboldened in their commitment by what has happened. They were concerned about their freedoms, and GoFundMe has yet again reminded them that their concerns are real.”
“Israel’s case is our case if we want to live free and embrace our beliefs without fear of being marginalised or discriminated against.”
All the funds raised through ACL’s Israel Folau campaign will be deposited into a legal trust account, to be used exclusively for legal expenses incurred by Israel Folau.