"We have a group now of about 400 churches that have affiliated together in an independent church movement, and these churches are very eager to see new churches planted and young men and women trained," he told Mission Network News.
"This is really an exciting, continuing opportunity for AMG to stay involved in seeing people come to Christ."
He continued, saying that graduates of Berita Hidup Seminary located in Solo, Indonesia will have the credentials to not only teach in public school but also allow them an opportunity to preach the Gospel in their local community.
"We can see graduates with the credentials to go into the public schools to be teachers there. This gives them not only a livelihood, but also it gives them an opportunity to be a voice for the Gospel there in their local communities. It's been a very successful strategy for us."
AMG International was established in 1942 by Spiros Zodhiates. It is an evangelical mission and relief organization which is currently ministering in 55 countries.