A standout film of the 70’s was Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Making more than ten times the production cost, it obviously struck a chord with viewers.
The movie focusses on the main character Roy who becomes mesmerised after seeing a UFO, and who then has evidence, a physical sun burn from a passing-by UFO. Finally, he has a close encounter of the third kind: Contact with the aliens.
Roy the ordinary citizen is extraordinarily, wildly stirred and drawn by a supernatural calling to unite with what appears as deified alien beings.
The final scene shows Roy in the glorified ambience from the space craft, with child-like glee embraced by the aliens. He is hand-picked, and uniquely chosen to be the one led into the spaceship as compared to the institutionalised hierarchy of government personnel lining up to enter the craft, who are overlooked by the aliens.
There are obvious parallels to being called by God on which I want to elaborate here.
Believe in UFO’s or the quest for true glory?
Do you long to go to heaven to be with Jesus? Is there a deep stirring inside that you are chosen and hand-picked by the father?
I believe God is using Roy to prophetically highlight His desire to be with us, a close encounter of another kind.
However, firstly I want to call out the UFO idea as a counterfeit, a demonic distraction. Jesus said, “your kingdom come here on earth,” and nowhere else! There is no point looking for aliens if we trust his word.
The truth of being predestined for glory and drawn by God’s grace through Jesus is reflected in Roy’s longing, but minus Roy’s fanaticism and cultish obsession to reach the cosmos, portrayed in the movie. God chose us for himself but also to love people
You are chosen for glory
Indeed, God chose us to be with him as Ephesians chapter one states, “In love he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will.”
And we are guaranteed to be fully redeemed, implying our future meeting with God.
Devil’s tower or the heavenly Jerusalem?
Roy is mystically led to a national monument named Devil’s Tower, to embark the space craft. To get there he must learn to war against every conspiracy that UFOs don’t exist, that he is alone; again error.
Similarly, we too are tested in our faith to follow Jesus despite having never seen him.
We need encouragement to do so.
Recently, the spirit showed me the path to heaven through the spiritual meaning of the gates of Jerusalem in Nehemiah’s time, seen in Nehemiah Chapter 3. It helps us restore our vision for our quest.
The first gate restored was the sheep gate. Jesus died as the lamb who takes away the sins of the world to save us. Our journey begins knowing this, his love that woos us.
The next gate is the fish gate. After salvation Jesus helps us become fishers of men.
The third gate is the old gate. The spirit teaches us to know the ancient paths of rest by walking in faith and covenantal faithfulness, that justifies us.
Then, after a relatively long honeymoon period, we journey to the valley gate, deep trials like the valley of the shadow of death. This leads us to let go of the junk in our life and value him above all; hence the dung gate is next. (See Philippians chapter 3 verse 8)
Then, as we learn to follow his will to be a light for his kingdom, we understand the fountain gate. Rivers flow in our belly to sustain us to keep going.
Then we learn full dependence, and we open our hearts to the fullness of his love. Our pride is washed away as we let him completely in every part of our hearts to deal with of all our secrets and hurts. We are at the water gate.
Then we will see the horse gate. Horses are associated with warfare in the bible, as we walk like Jesus we see more spiritual warfare. As we grow in influence it keeps us humble.
Then, the East gate which is shut only to be opened by the Lord; see Ezekiel chapter 44. It faces the Mount of Olives where Jesus will return. Zechariah the prophet foretold his first coming, and in Chapter 14 says, he will arrive there for his second coming, as angels confirmed when he departed.
Finding him at the Mount of Olives sounds a whole lot better than going to that nebulous devil’s detour and tower!
Gethsemane was the place where Jesus prayed to be with us for eternity. Interestingly, a fault line is under that mount where the prophet says Jesus’ feet will cause an earthquake and make a way to deliver his people from Armageddon.
Though I’m ecstatic to be there, yet it will be a day of dread for all. All of humanity will arrive at the inspection gate. Every motive will be laid bare. No more mercy.
There, upon inspection we will see if we have truly lived for him. There will be perfect justice. But, today is the day of salvation, turn to him now if needed.
God is etching that day on my heart for us
I am writing this for you because the Lord has just told me to paint this view from the Mount of Olives toward old Jerusalem to spur on your progress in the heavenly quest.
I am filled with a great ecstasy to do it, with a longing for that day when all the saints will meet him.
May that joy be yours also!
“Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me (Paul) on that day - and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.” 2 Timothy Chapter 4, verse 8.

Mark Rusic was born in Melbourne and has a bachelor’s in mechanical engineering. He became a missionary to many, suffering hardship and poverty on Madura Island in Indonesia, in 1990 for about four years. He worked as a pastor-life coach with Hope International Ministries from 2002 to May 2023, playing a key role in raising up leaders and elders for the local Melbourne Hope church, which lead today. Mark has also been active in conducting yearly trips to remote Indigenous communities, bringing teams for training and outreach, which he initiated from 2015. He also established a salt and light ministry to empower saints of influence in the marketplace from 2017.
Mark is also an artist and an author and has written two books which are both a collection of his own paintings, photography, and poetry. These include ‘Iconic Melbourne of Australia’ and ‘Iconic Animals of Australia- With a voice to release your giant potential within,’ which are available now on booktopia.com.au and at leading book retailers. He has been counted among some of Australia’s best authors on several occasions through Dymocks since 2014 and continues to be a motivational speaker in various community groups, organisations, and churches.
He is currently pioneering his itinerant ministry to bless Indigenous people and empower the body of Christ, while working as an artist, author and speaker.