Everyone has both a God breathed identity and a God ordained destiny inside of them. All the riches and joys of life are found as we marry who God created us to be with what we actually pursue to do. This is authenticity.
The mystery and great frustration to many is the disparity of who we believe we are and what we actually are doing. We need to close this gap, or as Paul said run the race.
Divine DNA
God has implanted in you, outside of environmental influence, a pure version of your personality and being. This is what forms your desires and dreams, what motivates and inspires and what makes you, you. It’s the intangible part of you. It’s your divine DNA and within it’s unveiling is the seed of great destiny.
Your divine DNA is what makes you irreplaceable in the world, and when you see it in Christ, is also what makes you unstoppable.
Clear vision
The purposes of a person’s heart are deep waters, but one who has insight draws them out. See Proverbs chapter 20, verse 5.
The darkness of unbelief, doubt, confusion false identities, false beliefs, and love for pleasure and fame can steal the ability to be humble to find a real answer to who we are. Only the denial of this world and its poor offerings can we find it.
The blood of Jesus has torn that thick dark veil through his own flesh for us to see clearly our true identity purchased by Jesus Christ. It’s always been there hidden in him.
Intimacy with God
Through communion and time with God, and waiting on him, his spirit reveals all things of who God is to us and what relationship that has in the world. Just by communing and loving God simply we find context and destiny. This is where grace comes for our assignments in life. Power to close the gap.
Who you are needs to determine what you do and not the other way around.
Small and lonely beginnings
The smallest one shall become a mighty nation. Isaiah chapter 60, verse 22.
Abraham was one guy who was by himself isolated from even his own family to follow his path. But he heard God, caught a glimpse of who he was from a revelation from God and followed his voice on his own. He inherited his own nation because he believed and went with just himself and God. He didn’t have an army and great riches to start with, he just believed who he was and acted accordingly.
Though he wasn’t anyone in the earth he saw who he was in heaven. This little beginning took years of consistent faith to go from a vagabond loner to a nation owner.
What makes a difference is faith energised by love. Galatians chapter 5, verse 6.
Fear and protecting ourselves is often a reason we struggle to take a step. We aren’t of those who fear but boldly go forward in love. Being fearless is simply an agreement with God’s opinion of you rather than others.
Faith has legs, and you must step forward into the direction that you know you are called. If you continue to do this day after day, you be what the Bible calls faith-full!
The Bible says that it’s not just the actions of faith but the patience and persistence required that you need to inherit the promises. Patience is simply not allowing the passing of time to change your faith. Persistence is to keep taking steps despite whatever resistance.
Many who’ve had faith quit early because they lacked patience. Once Jesus has set you in a direction don’t allow time passing to change your mind. The gap will close fast if you refuse to quit. The grace of God will attend to you to strengthen you as you dig deeper.
You need strong persistence to overcome the resistance.
For taking the shortcut to destiny you’ll need to saddle up next to wisdom. The Bible says that above all get wisdom. Make obtaining her the principle thing. Call her your nearest companion. Wisdom from heaven is on tap from God to anyone that will humble themselves to listen.
Wisdom will keep you from paths of wasted time and direct you to the highways of acceleration. It will hold you back from rash movements and will help you consider a thing and move on sure ground.
Taking charge of your life in faith isn’t super comfortable. Committing to a new area of study, or changing jobs, starting a business or moving locations, changing friends or moving house or taking a break will disrupt a pattern that’s already set. It may be really uncomfortable. It doesn’t mean it’s not right.
You have one life to live, one seed to sow. No one can take your place in life, no one can step for you, not even God. Don’t hold on tightly to your life, Jesus said unless the seed falls to the ground and dies (to every other purpose other than its destiny) it will remain alone… but if it dies and takes root it will be a glorious tree of life.
Get a clear vision of yourself and live from there. Start small, take bold steps, be persistent, hear wisdom, disrupt the normal and close that gap to manifest the glory of God.
Leigh Clough is a Press Service International young writer from the Gold Coast.

Leigh lives on the Gold Coast. He loves to catch a wave, build business, dream big and preach the gospel
Leigh Clough’s previous articles may be viewed at http://www.pressserviceinternational.org/leigh-clough.html