|PIC1|"Paul and Linda Mokeski said that they have only recently taken up the reigns at the Anaheim Arsenal Coach and are still settling into new surroundings for themselves and their children," M V Tronson said.
At this same lunch meeting, the Tronsons' also met Dave Radford, a retired coach with a remarkable reputation at high school and university level in integrity.
These coaches, as men of God, have a remarkable influence upon their young charges explained Nelson Cook, Coaches of Influence CEO, who went on to say that Dave Radford has seen many young athletes not only find their way in sports, but also in life and in eternity.
"We were in Los Angeles as guests of Nelson Cook and engaged in a week of ministry with his 'Coaches of Influence' network of Christian coaches across eleven Christian universities and numerous high schools," M V Tronson noted. "Nelson encourages and ministers to Christian coaches through this very specific ministry."
It was fascinating to note that, while they were at the meeting, Paul Mokeski received a text message from the Albury-Wodonga Basketball Coach in Australia inquiring about a particular basketball player they were considering as an import.
"What came home to us in that Coaches of Influence meeting, was the commitment every one had for Jesus Christ, in that Jesus meets our needs regardless of whether we're tall like Paul Moleski, short like Delma or somewhere in between like Dave Radford or myself," M V Tronson noted.
That week of ministry with Nelson Cook, he said, meeting so many 'Coaches of Influence' illustrated three very specific aspects of a Christian coach's life.
First, their relationship with Jesus Christ impacted their daily integrity, Second, they placed an emphasis on their family life, and
Thirdly, their coaching placed an equal emphasis on an athlete's holistic growth.