You were well thought out before time became a thing by the original master craftsman. What was he dreaming up, what amazing and wild and wonderful thoughts and purposes was he writing down about you?
God in his billions of thoughts regarding us, designed us with absolute intent. A master recipe design of personality, spiritual uniqueness housed in physical DNA with every detail bonded together to make you.
Before you were formed in the womb I knew you… Jerimiah 1:5
We step into the world, in spiritual darkness and begin a discovery of the world around us how we fit and try to find identity. Before knowing Jesus the best we can do is experiment and guess as to our purpose in life! But when we encounter Jesus and receive his spirit…BAM! Everything changes! The eyes of our heart are opened up and a deep sense of eternal significance is born.
Glorious liberty
We have incredible freedom as a child of God. We are beyond servants and even into a different space than friendship as sons and daughters of God. The privilege creates vast open spaces of possibility. The power and freedom we are given is somewhat confronting but through love we are compelled to dream of what could be possible with our lives.
Be imitators of God as dearly beloved children Eph 5:1
Its hard not to be in awe at the limitless systems of life and design YHWH has created. He desired to express, so he created and dreamed up out of his desire for life. Hidden inside every believer is an underutilised creativity and capacity. We like our heavenly Father are given this capacity to create things through his spirit and bring to life dreams of our heart as imitators of God.
“ministered by us, written not with ink but by the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of flesh, that is, of the heart. 2 Corinthians 3 verse 3
Written in our Heart
Deep within us have been written the intents of God for our life, the blueprint of design and purpose is written on the tablet of our heart. In order to direct our steps as he promised, he writes purpose in our heart.
We were created with it inside of us. Now it’s up to us to take the lids of restriction off and dream to discover it and live it. To see the world as a canvas for us to colour in our expression.
The desires of your redeemed heart are the building blocks of heavens destiny for you. Recognising what’s been written on your heart by God is the key to living out your purpose. The blueprints of God’s purpose are inside you waiting for you to walk into.
“…for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure Philippians 2 verse 13
Much of the time we think we need permission to dream and step forward when we have actually been commissioned to
Faith is a blessing to God
To live by faith is to not have all the details worked out. Faith is the substance of what you are hoping (Hebrews 11:1) It’s faith to step out on that substance! That’s your desires. Faith pleases God. How can you really live by faith if you aren’t going after what you are truly hoping for.
If you aren’t taking steps towards what’s written in your heart, stop and re-evaluate. Liberate yourself from shelving your passion for another season. Time is too short. Don’t clothe them in spiritual excuses of “I don’t know if it’s the will of God”. The will of God is for you to live by Faith!
Don’t wait for everything to be mapped out, it will never happen. You’ll have to jump through your fear at some point or it will never happen. You don’t have a spirit that fears and draws back from your assignment! Your nature is bold like a lion.
No one can fill your space.
Being true to what you know is on your heart takes great courage. The tide of Instagram lemmings is multiplying the further people are from God and his identity. You are too specific and awesome to be manipulated to what others think is heroic and amazing and likeable. Be faithful to what’s in your heart. Go.
“Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” 1 Corinthians 2 verse 9
Dream big!
In my view - three things I do to get fire on your dreams!
1. Refresh your head: Memorise the scriptures that promise your success, God has made incredible provision for you. There’s hundreds. Read books, watch clips and study of people that have accomplished similar endeavours
2. Speak in tongues: Speaking in tongues gets you covered in the anointing that is specific to your call. It allows you to pray things that need to be prayed about your destiny that you don’t understand. It still’s your linear reasoning so you can hear the Spirit clearer
3. Do fun things: Helps you relaaaax! Connect with what you actually desire. It stops you from being too religious and is gold for opening up the creative juices of what to do.
Leigh Clough is a Press Service International young writer from the Gold Coast

Leigh lives on the Gold Coast. He loves to catch a wave, build business, dream big and preach the gospel
Leigh Clough’s previous articles may be viewed at