The annual CoolyRocksOn 'Church Service' on the boardwalk / beach at Coolangatta (Gold Coast) from 8.30am-9.30am yesterday was another celebration of Jesus' Salvation and the joy of the Lord.
CoolyRocksOn 'Australia's coolest and biggest 50s & 60's Nostalgia Festival 3-13 June - with 150,000 visitors to Coolangatta, the southern end of the Gold Coast. There are Rock'n'Roll bands by the dozens and dozens and 1300 vintage cars.
The Church Service was again in a large marquee – Gold Coast's Beachside Baptist rock'n'roll band The Son Chasers led by Ken Harris carried the music again - with four hymns and the three items, followed by preacher Dr Mark Tronson who coordinates this annual joy in the Lord.
The CoolyRocksOn Church Service was listed in the official program booklet on page 22. plus 20,000 flyers were circulated with Sunday's CoolyRocksOn program including the Church Service and a huge multi-coloured digital sign near the marquee.
The sharp one hour service honouring the Lord was again very well attended, there were worshippers from Adelaide, Melbourne, Tasmania, New South Wales and Queensland plus a few locals including Corinne Panney the editor of Informed magazine (Gold Coast Christian).

First part of Service
Welcoming everyone was the preacher Dr Mark Tronson, then to Ken Harris and The Son Chasers - "Blessed Be Your Names" - followed by Mr Bill Parr was gave the bible reading from John chapter 3 verses 17-21. Bill Parr explained how the bible is now on iphones and it remains the best book.
The Son Chasers were then back on front and centre with "Amazing Grace" followed by the introduction of James Walton from The Living Temple Church (what was formerly Tugun Baptist). The story was told how an elderly congregation of dwindling numbers gave over their property to a young families Baptist congregation in the next suburb renting the Salvation Army hall. Now Living Temple has 8.00am, 10.00am and 4.00pm services. James Walton led the congregation in prayer.
The Son Chasers followed with three items written by Ken Harris which the congregation followed with a passion.

Ken Harris interview
Ken Harris was interviewed by Mark Tronson as Ken arrived back in Australia on Thursday having rushed home to Ireland for his father's funeral in which he sung a solo, the "most difficult thing I've had ever done". He introduced his band members: Brett Eddy on Base; Marcus Bancroft on Drums; Blair Johnstone on Rhythm; singer Kayleigh Harris and lead, himself.
The Sunshine Coast's Vanessa then spoke of her son Laughlan who is flying solo in a single engine aircraft "around the world" next month having done a half Australia flight and one to Tasmania that saw his engine play-up and an SOS sent out. One of the CoolyRocksOn congregation, Peter, prayed for Laughlan.
Before the message, Ken Harris and the Son Chasers played the hymns "Days of Elijah" and "You are My Vision" after which another of the congregation spoke to Mark Tronson asking for Amazing Grace to be sung again at the end, as her friend came in late and was particularly sought this request

The Message
The topic Dr Mark Tronson presented in his CoolyRocksOn Church Service "message" was titled "Resurrection Moments" where he gave three secular examples of eureka moments, a lad finally "getting" the maths problem, the marvelling of the tiny mustard seed growing into a mammoth tree, and the blue tape of a diesel locomotive which records everything which has shown many a train driver to be right on the button!
He then drew to the congregation's attention the Cross of Calvary citing the book "The Cross is Not Enough" that the resurrection completes the circle and proceeded to give an account of resurrection occurrences followed by first century historical accounts. The information was there, but it is only information as the bible says "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved". Here lies the critical and essential ingredient for Salvation.
It was at this point he returned to "Resurrection Moments" saying the resurrection is more than information, it requires a practical outworking in Christian living and gave numerous examples of "Resurrection Moments". Some were associated with relationships, securing a career path and gave some of his own examples in ministry from bereavements to astonishing highlights. Each were "Resurrection Moments".
Dr Mark Tronson then announced this was his third year running the CoolyRocksOn Church Service "sermon", he was shortly turning 65 and was handing the sermon over to younger Christian leaders: James Walton and Living Temple Church.
The CoolyRocksOn organisation supports this association which came through the Chamber of Commerce in which Mark Tronson is a Tweed Heads member (10 years) and a confidence with his international ministry along with his daily column in Christian Today.

Dr Mark Tronson is a Baptist minister (retired) who served as the Australian cricket team chaplain for 17 years (2000 ret) and established Life After Cricket in 2001. He was recognised by the Olympic Ministry Medal in 2009 presented by Carl Lewis Olympian of the Century. He mentors young writers and has written 24 books, and enjoys writing. He is married to Delma, with four adult children and grand-children.
Mark Tronson's archive of articles can be viewed at http://www.pressserviceinternational.org/mark-tronson.html