Christian Television Australia (CTA) commissioned Australian Christian Multimedia, who produced CTA's Easter and Christmas shows last year, to produce a Christmas Day program for the Seven Network for 2013, " said Martin Johnson, CEO of CTA.
"They have come up with a great concept called 'A Wise Man?' which explores the events of the first Christmas from the perspective of one of the Wise Men. It will be in the style of 'Australian Story'," said Martin.
"It will be as if these events happened relatively recently with people in modern clothes and modern settings," he said.
'A Wise Man?' will focus on the fictitious Abe Collins - a Professor of Astrophysics at Oxford University, a Nobel Prize winner, and probably the most respected figure in his field. The events are recalled primarily through his eyes. The program will follow his revelation of a new star or comet, how he and his two colleagues came to embark on a journey to plot its course, and of the startling discovery they made as a result.
The crowd funding campaign has been running for two weeks with a total budget of $15,000. With a significant donation this week, the campaign has passed the 50 percent mark.
Crowd funding is the practice of funding a project or venture by raising many small amounts of money from a large number of people, usually via the Internet. There a number of web sites that specialise in this form of fund-raising with some focused on video and film projects.
Producer Phil Smith said, "Not everyone can go out and make a television program – but here's a chance for anyone at all to contribute and make a difference." To see and hear more about Jesus at Christmas time, check out:
Full details of the proposed program and a promotional teaser video are also available from the CTA Web site: