Hundreds of people gathered at the Christian Life Centre in Penrith Sydney on Wednesday to pay tribute to the man who was considered one of the major forces in changing the Assemblies of God with his apostolic style of leadership.
Leading pastors from around Australia came to honor the late David Cartledge with Darlene Zschech and the Hillsong team leading the worship. The casket of flowers with different number of roses was representative of the significant numbers in his life.
In his 45 years of ministry, David Cartledge has been the father of faith to many.
Pastor Brian Houston, Senior Pastor in Hillsong Church and National President of the Assemblies of God in Australia said in his tribute that David Cartledge was “one of the greats”. Houston described him as a passionate man who gave 100 per cent and lived passing his faith onto the next generation.
“He was instrumental in raising dead bones of the Pentecostals, like a nuclear bomb that hit the US” said Pastor Ron Johnson in his tribute.
“David impacted not only the individual churches but also US Pentecostal churches and leaders. He had strong prophetic anointing, a zeal and passion for God and obeyed God at whatever cost. He sowed the seeds in our lives.”
In his life of ministry David Cartledge had taken up the dual appointments in 1992 as President of Commonwealth Bible College and the National Church Planting Co-ordinator of the Assemblies of God in Australia. Since early 1993 the college has been re-named to "Southern Cross" and has acquired a new $16,000,000 campus in the heart of Sydney.
With hard work and effort he also helped set up a theological Seminary in Korea’s capital, Seoul named Olivet University, formerly called Olivet Theological Seminary (OTCS).
David Cartledge is also the author of many books, including "The Apostolic Revolution".