No, this isn't a parent/guardian permission slip for our upcoming youth beach day. This is an informational letter on how we can partner up to help your child grow to be a fruitful follower of Jesus Christ.
In my years of youth ministry I've heard common complaints from both youth leaders and students in regards to parents. Here are some of the things we've been dying to tell you:
Please don't ask us to "fix" your child.
We aren't spiritual magicians: trust me, I've tried. The best thing we can do (and should do) is bring them to Jesus.
Telling us to 'fix' your child pressures us to manufacture fake spiritual fruit to appease you. This is not good for anybody.
Please don't ground/suspend/discipline your child by taking them away from youth group.
Youth group is a time for your child to specifically learn and hear from God. If you find your child in a place where discipline is necessary, don't take them away from the only One who is able to perfectly correct them in the way they should go (see Matthew chapter 19, verse 13-15; chapter 18, verse 6).
Please don't introduce your child as the 'crazy' one.
It gives your child a false sense of approval for them to...well...go crazy. I appreciate how Jesus speaks over His Church and introduces us by what we are called to do. Jesus refers to us as His 'Bride,' 'a Royal Priesthood,' 'a Holy Nation,' and much more. Next time, try introducing your child to us as 'the awesomely kind one' and see what happens.
Please keep on praying for them...and us!
Understand that making disciples of Jesus Christ is a spiritual work requiring spiritual power. We are people too! We need all the prayer support you can send our way!
Please fill out/turn in permission forms on time.
It's probably our fault for assuming your child would actually remember to give to you the forms, but once it's in your hands, please try your best to fill it out and turn it back in on time.
Please let us know what's going on at home.
This will guide us in our prayer time and allow us to specifically address issues that they might be tempted to hide from us and play the hypocrite in.
Please don't chaperone every event.
Don't get me wrong, we love you, and your willingness to help out, but it's nice to let your child breathe and have fun. Sometimes, your child can't let loose and be a child if you're hiding away in the corner 'eagle eyeing' their every move.
Please be ready to give godly wisdom to your child when they are ready to listen.
They won't always want to hear your thoughts on things, but when they do, don't hesitate to give them the unadulterated truth of God's word.
Please read the Word and pray with your child.
Teach them what it means to have a personal relationship with Jesus. Spending time reading and praying together will show your child the importance of having a disciplined devotional life and will strengthen your relationships with one another.
Please tell them your mistakes, and show them how God redeemed them for His glory.
News flash: they already know you're not perfect. Don't be afraid of being vulnerable with them. This will break down their walls of insecurity and will give room for your child to be vulnerable with you.
Youth Leaders around the world
Aaron serves in Murrieta, CA and is a pastor at Cross Culture Ministries and is also the director of On The Edge.
Aaron Sabio's previous articles may be viewed at