When Germaine Greer became the leading light for Women’s Liberation all those years ago, I wonder if she would have foreseen the long-term consequences.
Some women delighted in the freedom the liberation movement gave them, others were dead-set against the whole concept while the majority just ignored the movement altogether.
Men, on the other hand, became confused.
“Do I open the door for the lady or will she think I’m a chauvinist?” or, “Do I give the lady flowers or offer to pay for dinner?”
Well, it didn’t bother this old married couple too much, we carried on as usual and we saw very little change here in the country, the movement had its most effect in the city.
However, Women’s Liberation may well have been the start of what has since transpired where the LGBTQ movement gained confidence and gender fluidity is now deemed as ‘normal’ and is rampant throughout the western world.
Should a male feel he identifies as a women, he/she is now allowed the privileges of the chosen sex and vice-versa.
Dare to challenge
Anyone who challenges this may find themselves before the courts, just as those some few years ago who would not bake a cake or print invitations for/to a same-sex wedding because it was against their religious beliefs, found themselves.
Honestly, wouldn’t you just go to another bakery or another printer? No, these people were out to win a point.
Just one small case
Now there’s more trouble in a city called Decatur in the USA where school authorities had implemented a policy which allowed students to access private facilities, bathrooms, locker rooms and showers in accordance with their gender identity rather than their sex – basically allowing persons of the opposite sex into these facilities.
This was ‘done in the dark’ by the school board without parents being advised however, they soon found out.
School parents’ meetings were being held which were advocating with the school board to expose this policy and to rescind it.
In the midst of this and after a couple of the school board meetings were highly publicized, a witness warned, “the policy would be used by boys to access girl’s facilities for mischievous purposes.”
Devious boys, as they’ve always been
Just one month later, a five-year-old girl using the girl’s bathroom was sexually assaulted by a ‘gender fluid’ older boy using the same facilities.
This happened in 2017 and solicitors for the girl and her parents then filed a complaint under Title IX with the United States Department of [Education] Office for Civil Rights which is where the case is pending now.
I believe this is only one of many cases now pending before State and Federal courts in the USA where the ‘gender confused’ policy has opened a ‘Pandora’s Box’ of problems faced by school boards.
Man’s physic versus women’s physic
It’s a little like the weightlifters in the USA where men identifying as women have broken almost all the records previously set by women and we understand why it’s happened by just looking at the physical nature of a man versus a woman.
Now, in the UK, referees in women’s rugby are refusing to take part in games where men identifying as women are taking part.
An article in The Times on September 28 announced “Too strong trans women players in women’s rugby are driving referees away.”
“Referees say they have been warned not to challenge bearded or heavily muscled players appearing for women’s teams”
One referee, under the condition of anonymity, told The Times, “Being forced to prioritise hurt feelings over broken bones exposes me to personal litigation from female players who have been damaged by players who are biological males.”
“This is driving female players and referees out of the game.”
Are we bigots?
Don’t worry, the article goes on to say, if you dare raise a question about the testosterone level of the bearded player (a lower testosterone level is required), you are branded a bigot.
Interestingly, just last month, a new study out of Sweden revealed, “Biological males who identify as transgender women are likely to retain strength advantages over biological females, even after undergoing 12 months of hormone therapy.”
Well, what do you know……? As if we hadn’t realised it already.
Am I the only one who wants to scream at the top of my lungs, “Has the whole world gone totally crazy?!”
God made man and woman, that is, Jack and Jill, not Jack and Bill or Dawn and Davina, but down through the ages there has been corruption going way back to The Fall.
Will God allow this to continue or will he eventually intervene?
He did once before.
We, as followers of Jesus, must remain strong in His Word and be the remnant as Noah’s family were in his day.
John Skinner is a retired journalist who has written ten biographies on famous camp drafting competitors. He was an Australian infantry soldier wounded in Vietnam, served six years as a Police Officer, was CEO of the then Australian Rough Riders Assn (Pro-Rodeo based in Warwick, Qld). He and his wife Marion retired to a small farm 25km south of Warwick 20 years ago. They have three children and now seven grandchildren.

John Skinner served as an infantry soldier in Vietnam then the Tasmanian Police before taking up the position of CEO of the Australian Rough Riders Association (professional rodeo based in Warwick Qld). Before retirement to his small farm, he was a photo-journalist for 25 years. He is married with 3 children and 7 grandchildren.