Is there a hidden ingredient behind the momentum of US President-elect Donald J. Trump? Could it be a divine hand has chosen him?
For eight years the Obama administration has been at least aloof towards Israel. The relationship between President Obama and Israeli PM Netanyahu has been mean and bitter.
Obama supporters like to point to the $38 billion military aid deal US granted Israel last year. It was the largest deal of its kind in American history but it also gave a huge subsidy to the weapons industry in the USA.
Recent action taken by the US Obama administration at the UN against Israel, rocked the world and sparks our Donald Trump thoughts.
"I think Obama will join Jimmy Carter as somebody who will always stand against Israel, but who will be tossed into the dustbin of history when it comes to the Middle East, and this will harm his legacy tremendously," said esteemed legal scholar Professor Alan Dershowitz.
"Today's passage of an ill-conceived resolution on Israeli settlements marks another shameful chapter in the bizarre anti-Israel history of the United Nations," Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said in a statement. "The abstention of the United States has made us complicit in this outrageous attack, and marks a troubling departure from our nation's long, bipartisan history of defending our ally Israel in the United Nations."
Yes America the so-called stalwart of Israel became Brutus. Even Democrats issued scathing statements aimed at the Obama tactic. Incoming Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer said the decision was 'extremely frustrating, disappointing and confounding.'
"Whatever one's views are on settlements, the UN is the wrong forum to settle these issues," Schumer said.
Sen. Richard Blumenthal, a Democrat from Connecticut, called the US's abstention from the vote "unconscionable." "A two-state solution must be negotiated directly between the Israelis and Palestinians, and this resolution flies in the face of this necessity," Blumenthal said.
The Democrats were soundly demolished during recent US elections. Donald Trump trounced Hillary Clinton, and Republicans won both houses. Whether or not the anti-Israel move was a Barrack Obama dummy spit or not. His decision placed the USA on precarious turf.
Israel's Sephardic Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef declared, "Sometimes, we need to be reminded from above, that we can count on no one but our Father who art in heaven." He declared to his followers that the USA has forsaken Israel and now the Jewish state can now place its trust in God.
Among the authors in the Bible there is Zechariah, a man who is called 'the prophet of hope.' His writing covers the centuries of the pagan empire and moves on to the age of Messiah.
He wrote these very interesting words: "On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered around her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock to all nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves." (Zechariah chapter 12, verse 3)
Theologian Matthew Henry wrote about this. "The enemies of God and of His kingdom bear a great deal of malice and ill-will toward Jerusalem and form designs for its destruction, but it will prove at last, that they are but preparing ruin for themselves."
Picture the scene at the UN. The nations of the world led by the USA are gathered around the tiny state of Israel determined to do harm. It is amazing to me that New Zealand, a small nation itself, could be part of this agenda. (Thankfully our Australian leaders would have none of it!)
On his blog Stan Goodenough cut loose: "There is no Palestinian territory. There never has been. You can call it that until you are blue in the face but it has never been – and it is not – Palestinian territory. Weeks ago you let UNESCO cut the Jews off from their holiest site, the Temple Mount, the Mountain of the Lord.
You're going to learn this soon. You will eventually get it: The Land belongs to the LORD God of Israel. Jerusalem is the City of David. The Temple Mount is the Mountain of the LORD – the throne room of the Great King."
Remember what Rabbi Yosef said. He declared the USA had forsaken Israel and now Israel must trust God. If Obama has been concerned for his legacy, he sealed it at the UN. He will forever be Brutus.
But now the divine implications (or are they?) From January 20, Obama will be replaced, by President Donald Trump, a declared champion of Israel.
When he chose to run for office, the US media went into frenzy. They found and exposed every possible flaw in his character and openly championed Hilary Clinton to win. But the Trump train rumbled on, all the way to the White House.
President Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu plan to meet in February. There are strong indications a much stronger US-Israel relationship will be achieved.
Remember the Obama big deal with Iran? That could well face serious challenge. Trump called it 'the worst deal ever negotiated.' I imagine Bibi and The Donald will enjoy their time together.
Before then, comes the Trump Inauguration on January 20. The US media has thrilled to announce every singer, actor or stooge who prefers not to appear. At school they were the types who 'don't want to play with you anymore.' Life will go on and Trump will be President.
Among the faith leaders who will be there is Rev Franklin Graham, who has been a staunch Trump supporter all along. The media describes Graham as anti-gay and anti-Islam, a petulant press playing childish games! On the other hand Franklin Graham has credited God for Trump's win in the election.
Some Christians were put off by the flaws in the Trump character but then they missed the murder and adultery of David and the Christian killer lust of the Apostle Paul.

Ron Ross is a Middle East consultant for United Christian Broadcasters (Vision FM). Previously he was radio news editor for Bridges for Peace in Jerusalem, Israel.
His career started at WINTV (Email: ronandyvonne@mac.com)
Ron Ross' previous articles may be viewed at http://www.pressserviceinternational.org/ron-ross.html