At the time of writing this I’ve just got done experiencing the movie ‘Don’t Look Up!’ for the first time. I say ‘experiencing’ because ‘watching’ doesn’t do justice in describing what it’s done to me; its’ message already haunts me—searing itself into my mind and spirit the way few movies can do in an average lifetime.
Although it begins with some genuinely funny laughs, it’s anything but a traditional comedy. As the story unfolds, it quickly dawns on the viewer that the literal fate of the world is at stake; and shockingly, no one cares! (spoiler alert warning).
Or more accurately, no one believes enough to care…
One quickly wonders whether anyone would in fact care, even if they realised the world was going to end; being far too taken up with the entertainment, personal worries, and the deafening noise of a hysterically shallow world.
Two scientists at the centre of this seemingly ‘normal’ delirium try all they can to convince the leaders of the free world, media, and virtually anyone who’ll listen that their very planetary existence will expire in a matter of months unless urgent, and seemingly ‘obvious’ actions are taken to do something to obliterate the gigantic extinction-level comet steaming head-long towards them.
But they quickly run into head-scratching,infuriating problems:
For the powers that be (President and co.), verified ‘scientific fact and data’ that the comet is heading towards them isn’t enough to overcome political problems with midterm elections approaching.
For the media ‘entertainers’, it’s much too ‘serious’ to warrant their attention, after all, ‘sad news’ doesn’t sell.
For the media elite, the comet’s approach can’t be properly verified because the big wigs at NASA are silenced by world powers having too much to lose from the potential political fallout.
For a globally-beloved social media giant, the answer lies in groundless optimism and simply being plugged into a tech matrix.
For the online world and the average man on the street, the galaxy of opinions, amateur analysis, political furoreand conspiracy theories drown out a seemingly clearand urgent message: THE WORLD WILL END UNLESS THE THREAT FROM ABOVE IS RECOGNISED AND DEALT WITH!
Two experts
The two scientists try everything they can, and with all that they are to explain, plead, and POINT to the disaster about to crash upon the heads of an indifferent, immoral, andwilfully-ignorant world.
At one point their efforts look likely to succeed when the US President finally takes the strike seriously (for personal political gain) and orders a galactic strike on the comet. At the last minute,however,the effort is aborted in favour of what could potentially be gained by the disaster; a transcendently-glorious life and untold riches!
The parallels to our modern world are obvious, many, and tragic. None more so than the politics of our time, coupled with a world increasinglyobsessed with media and social media.Along with the idea that as rich as we are; there is always ‘more’ to be had if we simply ‘believe’ enough and pursue our basest instincts.
As this reality dawned on this viewer mid-movie, a deep hole began to form in the pit of my stomach.Atruly horrifying thought came to me; do we live in an age of clownish self-obsession, self-imposed ignorance, and a relentless refusal to acknowledge our most obvious and greatest need?
As to the first two questions, like Don’t Look Up’s creators, I’ll leave those answers up to you, the viewers to answer.
As to the last, like the movie so desperately portrays, it seems that the vitally‘obvious’ isn’t so clear anymore.So here goes stating what should be clear for all to see:
Already the comet of our own doom’s swift approachhas been revealed from Heavenfor us all to see: Covid is plaguing the globe. The political world is in chaos. War is lurking at Europe’s door. The media and its viewers are losing their minds. And social media has taken over our thought life and most waking hours!
Whereas the movie has two messengers, God sent one messenger with His urgent message; “Turn and repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!” This messenger was Jesus. He was similarly ignored, mocked, and rejected despite all the evidence and warnings he gave that His message was true.
Don’t look up
Towards the movie’s end, the catch-cry of the unbelieving-onlooker to their swiftly approaching fiery-fate, was “DON’T LOOK UP!” As if, by not looking at the comet or not thinking about it, they could avoid their fiery fate.
Our world today still yells louder than ever, “DON’T LOOK UP!” But instead of referring to a comet, the cry is meant to get people everywhere to not look up to God; our only source of deliverance and salvation from a fate that is otherwiseunavoidable;eternal death.
Like the movie’s bewildering world, and all its temporary and frivolous activities, the question is a simple one; will we recognise the Heavenly sign above, or will we go on believing that our way, opinions, and agendas will avoid that unavoidable and destiny-deciding Day?
Like the two scientists in this movie, let Jesus encourage, urge, and plead with us: “LOOK UP AND LIVE!”Let us accept Him as our Saviour; as the only nuclear power that can save us from sin and from the fiery wrath of God that will otherwise consume us if we ignore His persistent and life-saving warnings!

Tim is currently a youth pastor in California. He loves God and has a heart to see people know Jesus and His will for their lives, and the time they’re living in.
Tim Price’s previous articles may be viewed at http://www.pressserviceinternational.org/tim-price.html