Is there anything in this world as terrifying as an earthquake? When the very ground beneath your feet quivers and shakes and the stability of the world around you is called into question?
For those who have suffered through earthquakes there is nothing quite as terrifying. Imagine the feelings and emotions of the people in Christchurch, New Zealand or Fukushima, Japan when the world beneath their feet trembled and shook.
In mere moments what once was, ceased to exist. All things normal ended and those people caught in the earthquake were focussed on one thing and one thing only: survival.
It is a terrifying thing to be caught in an earthquake. Those who are caught in them are never the same again afterwards.
Earthquakes Are A Sign
It is perhaps for this reason that one of the signs of the times spoken of in the bible will be an increase in earthquakes.
If the Lord wanted to make people stop and think, to assess their lives, what better way than to cause the very foundations of the world to tremble.
The Lord used earthquakes as a sign to underline many important events, showing that they were by the actions and activity of God.
When Jesus was put to death there was a great earthquake. The centurion and those with him on guard were struck with awe saying, "Truly, this was the Son of God!" (Matthew 27:54). Likewise when the angels rolled the stone away from the tomb at Jesus' resurrection, again there was an earthquake. (Matthew 28:2) When Paul and Silas were imprisoned and were singing and praising the Lord, there was a great earthquake, the prison doors flew open and the fetters fell from the hands of all the prisoners. (Acts 16:25-26)
We see also in prophecy that at the opening of the sixth seal in Revelation that there will be a great earthquake. (Revelation 6:12) Indeed many of the events described in Revelation were preceded by or followed with an earthquake.
So the activity of earthquakes can often be seen as the Lord making or underlining a point. He causes the earth to quake so that people might stop what they are doing to listen and take notice.
A Sign of the Times
Today more than ever we see the activity and incidence of earthquakes on the rise. This should give all people reason to pause and consider where they stand in the Lord, especially the children of God.
The chart in this article shows that over the past one hundred or so years the frequency of earthquakes has been steadily rising. They remained relatively stable in the first fifty or so years of this last century, but in the most recent fifty years have been growing at an exponential rate.
If, as suggested above from the Bible, earthquakes are one of God's ways of telling us to stop and evaluate, I ask then, what should we be doing now? This is especially important as the independent data shows clear evidence that earthquake activity is increasing dramatically. We know also that Jesus foretold there would be great earthquakes in various places, as one of the signs in the lead up pointing to His return.
Earthquakes are not just "earth shattering" events; they are events telling us to awaken. We are to open our eyes and ears to watch and listen to what the Lord has to say.
What To Do?
The Lord said when we see these and other signs occurring, we are to know that He is near, at the very gates.
This is crucial for us to recognise and understand, for while these things may be terrifying, they are also signs that Jesus is coming. His people should not faint with fear but instead look up in hope and joy that His return is imminent. This earthquake activity is also proof positive of the words of the Bible as we see the prophecies unfold.
So do not fear earthquakes. Do not tremble at the thought of these things, but recognise them for what they are; signs from God. Rather than be in fear, look up in hope knowing your salvation is near at hand.
The Lord has given His people many signs so that they can stop, assess and consider how to be ready for His return. Earthquakes are compelling and powerful signs that He is bringing His work to completion. Our role is to listen to and heed the warnings so that we are prepared.

Since retiring from work, John Lemmon now spends his time teaching, preaching and writing about the word of God, answering God's call on him to "Speak to my people." John and his wife Colleen travel all over Australia and you will often find him playing guitar or ukulele outside their caravan somewhere in the Great Outback. You can connect with John on Twitter (@JohnBLemmon) or on his Christian Bible study blog (freegiftfromgod.com/blog).
John Lemmon's previous articles may be viewed at http://www.pressserviceinternational.org/john-lemmon.html