Zero is an abysmal performance, I think you’d agree. However, when 100% could’ve been achieved with a little effort and yet we get Zero, it is worse than disappointing, it’s distressing.
I’m referring to the recent result in the NSW Legislative Council (aka upper house), not one Christian party was elected into our parliament. But you my dear reader could have made a big difference, but you didn’t. Keep reading to find out why.
Here’s the thing, the most likely Christian candidate; Lyle Shelton could only gather 46,000 votes well short of the 119,000 votes (approx.) he neededto be elected.From this I presume that you like most Christians are either indifferent to the existential crisis in our schools, or could it be that you were not aware that there was a Christian choice?
Hmmm ……… let’s assume the latter, and the reason for it, we’ll come to in a moment, but for now let’slook at the maths.
Let’s do the maths
Here we go, there were 4,750,000 votes cast in NSW, on election day. And of those 4.75 mil, approximately 15% go to church at least once per month, according to National Church Life Survey. Therefore we’ve 710,000 church- goers, who voted.
Now let’s see, if we divide 710,000 by 119,000 and each one of the church-goers voted for Lyle Shelton’s Family First Party (yeah, I know, I must be dreaming) then we’d have 6 seats in the upper house, instead of a pitiful Zero.
So what went wrong?
Why aren’t there six Christians in Parliament defending righteousness and battling against evil? Now, I could apologise for the ensuingbrutal analysis, which is my take on the reason for our loss, but I’m not going to, because it’s time for Christians to awaken from their somnolence.
The innocence of young and older children, who attend our schools and universities, is under direct attack. The stakes are high: a generation lost is a generation lost forever, and as a nation we will suffer the dire consequences of our indifference, or is it ignorance?
I lay (in my fallible opinion) the guilt of this tragic result at the feet of our clergy. That’s right - our ministers and pastors. You heard me, your minister. Now, if you’re a minister reading this, then please hear me out.
Just one pastor from four of the pastors I approached in my regional town, agreed that it was a good idea to let her congregation know that there was a Christian candidate standing at the election. The other three felt that ‘religion and politics don’t mix’. Well, that’s the pretext, one could speculate that they are too afraid to upset their congregations, which pays their wages by suggesting a candidate, best to play it safe and say nothing.
I’m not suggesting for a moment that four pastors are a valid sample from whichto draw statistically significant conclusions. However, after 3 weeks on the phone calling Christians and non-Christians on behalf of Australia Christian Lobby, I can tell you that those whom we called were very grateful, when they were told that they could vote for a Christian candidate, because no one had told them that one was standing.
Religion and politics don’t mix…….. is that true?
The adage that Religion and Politics don’t mix belongs to bygone era, which has gone past its expiry date. Lamentably however, most ministers are unjustifiably shackled to this out-of-date principle.
Defending the doctrines of the faith and feeding the flock on a diet of orthodoxy is extraneous,when we need to fight against the militant force of Cultural Marxism ravaging our nation. Naively thinking that the major parties still hold to traditional moral values, while children are being robbed of their innocence from pre-school onwards, demonstrates how irrelevant they’ve become.
Right now in Australian schools children are being indoctrinated with Gender Theory, in response Jesus said …………………………
But whoso shall cause one of these little ones who believe in Me to fall, it were better for him that a millstone were hung about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.Matthew chapter 18, verse 6.But our Clergy dare not offer a Christian alternative to save them.
Parents can be fined and can even be imprisoned for not affirming their child’s arbitrarily chosen gender and yet God says to parents; These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. 7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 8 Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. but let’s not upset our flock by suggesting a Christian candidate.
Teenagers are being taught how to perform oral and anal sex at school, and told that heteronormativity (male-female sexual relationships) is abnormal, and even detestablecompared to theirperverse alternatives. And yet the Clergy can’t find a voice to even mention that we, God’s people could save our children (kids from both Christian and non-Christian families) by voting for Christian representatives in government.
Is there not a mocking irony to be found when a former female student, who transgendered to male, set out on a murderous rampage through a Christian school in Nashville, killing six innocent people because the school didn’t endorse Audrey Hall’s gender fantasy? And to add further to this absurd perversity, the sympathy of many American celebrities lay with the murderer, whom they averwas driven to commit this heinous crime because the school is transphobic.
Let’s get real, Cultural Marxism is an assault on the family and a monstrous effrontery to God’s right to govern the worldwisely. The sooner those in church leadership and we God’s people wakeup, and fight fearless, to defend inalienable and timeless values, the sooner this nightmare will end.

Vic Matthews, has three degrees B.Optom, B.Arts & B. Christian Studies. Is available as a Guest Speaker for your next Church conference or camp. He is a fledgling author, and copywriter.
For more information visit http://www.graphw.co/
Vic Matthews' previous articles may be viewed http://www.pressserviceinternational.org/vic-matthews.html