In a recent discovery, scientists have found evidence in China's Yellow River Valley that supports the occurrence of the biblical flood during the time of Noah.
As reported by OneNewsNow, archaeologists have found bones, seemingly of children in the Yellow River Valley.
According to them, going by the findings, it appears that a massive flood trapped the children. The bones of the children appeared to be from around 2,000 B.C., which historians and scientists believe is the time when the biblical account of Noah's flood took place.
Noah's Ark was the vessel in the Genesis flood narrative (Genesis chapters 6–9) by which God spares Noah, his family, and a pair of all the world's animals from the great flood.
Ken Ham, prominent biblical apologist and Creationist, noted that similar to many cultures, like the American Indians, Fijians, Hawaiians, the Eskimos, Australian Aborigines and the Babylonians, China has a story of a great flood.
"And this particular flood legend from China – when you read it – it talks about it was basically a global flood, the way it was described ... and there was a man in particular associated with that flood," said the founder of the recently opened theme park Ark Encounter.
Referring to some scientists and the media who see no reason to believe that buried bones of children in the Yellow River Valley is in any way connected to the biblical flood in Genesis, Ham called people with such mindsets "blinded to scientific truths" and thus denying spiritual truths.