FamilyVoice Australia was formerly known as Festival of Light. "We changed our name last July," said president Dr David Phillips. "Previously we had a lot of problems because we were being confused with New Age, Hindu and other groups. Our new name gives a much better idea of what we do, and is easier to find with Google!"
Dr Phillips led the commissioning service, attended by nearly 80 people, in St Anne's Anglican Centre, Ryde. Two busloads came from North Illawarra, where Steve Estherby had been the Uniting Church minister for the past 16 years. During the service they moved forward to present a statement of support and encouragement for Steve's new ministry.
Members of the FamilyVoice NSW Branch Committee, including Rev Dr Peter Barnes and Dr Steve Chavura, publicly welcomed Steve. Pastor Peter Rahme prayed for his ministry. Bible readings were from Jeremiah 29: 4-7 and Matthew 5: 13-16.
Keynote speaker was the Rev Dr Barry Chant, founder of Tabor College and currently senior pastor of the Wesley International Congregation of Wesley Mission. He praised FamilyVoice Australia members for their biblical stand against moral and community shortfalls in society today. He said such a group is needed in today's society "to preserve the vulnerable from harm" and to "set a standard by which our culture can be counted."
He highlighted the "good values in Australia today" such as compassion, fair play, mateship, freedom of speech, love of sport and larrikinism – "which are great values." But, he warned, "toleration can become acceptance" – a real danger in our world today.
Addressing Steve Estherby, Dr Chant said Steve had battled for biblical values within his denomination. "I wish I could say you face an easier path ahead, but I cannot," he said.
Following the commissioning, Rev Estherby gave his testimony about God's call to his new ministry. He had been anxious about such a big change and was looking for a sign. A friend jokingly suggested he needed to see big letters on the Wollongong escarpment. Steve had jokingly replied he was looking for someone with a full set of gold teeth!
But the amazing answer came when he was walking along a Sydney street. He suddenly came upon a stone monument commemorating the first worship service ever held in Australia, on 3 February 1788. Rev Richard Johnson was the preacher and his text was Psalm 116: 12 – What shall I render unto the LORD for all his benefits toward me?
"It was written in GOLD on the monument," said Steve. "Here on the monument were GOLD LETTERS or God's GOLD TEETH. They bit me! I thought my answer can only be verse 13: I will take the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the LORD.
Like Richard Johnson, Steve Estherby faces an unknown environment. But like Richard Johnson, whose Christian friends including William Wilberforce had sent him out on his great mission to a new nation, Steve Estherby has the backing of many Australian Christians as he embarks on this new challenge. He has asked for prayer to uphold him, his wife Lyndal and sons Robert, Matthew and David, as they move forward with FamilyVoice New South Wales.