We all know the saying ‘put your money, where your mouth is’, which means if you’re really serious about doing something or changing something, then you’ll fund it, with your own money. Or another way of looking at it is, what you spend your money on declares your intentions.
Well, an analysis of the U.S. ‘Omnibus Bill’ clearly shows the intentions of post-Christian America and it isn’t pretty. In fact, it portends a nation on an ineluctable slide into the abyss, and into ruin.
So, what is the ‘Omnibus Bill’? Omnibus simply means ‘for everyone’, let’s take a cursory look at the Bill.
The Omnibus Bill
Under the cloak of darkness, at 1.30am in the morning, just 2 days before Christmas, the US government released its 4,155-page Bill.
Hmmm…let’s see if you read one page every 5 minutes at 8 hours per day it will only take 43 days to read it, obviously the government didn’t want it read or scrutinised.
After all, it’s only a mere $1.7 trillion spending spree on important life-changing items, like funding ‘Gender Equity Programs’ in Pakistan. I’ll tell you more about the subversive intent, oops I meant the content of the Bill later. But first let’s consider the mind-blowing numbers being spent.
It makes my head spin every time I look at them. The number $1.70 trillion doesn’t seem so bad when you say it quickly. So let me write it out for you, so that you can grasp its enormity; $1,700,000,000,000. That’s a lot of naughts.
Here’s a question for you: if you repaid $1.0 million per day on your loan, how long would it take to repay the $1.70 trillion back (excluding interest)? Have a guess. A decade or two maybe? Well sorry folks, the maths says it will take…please take a deep breath…4,657 years to repay.
But here’s where it gets really interesting, or should I say terrifying. The US government owes the world and its own citizens $31.0 trillion. Only a fool would be stupid enough to think they will repay their debt, it’s not gonna happen (not when there’s a structural deficit of $1.0 trillion pa). And when the U.S government defaults on its loans, it will be a catastrophe of imponderable proportions, riots, armed robbery, homelessness, with polite society begging for food and worse.
So where is the money going? What laudable causes are being funded (30% of it by debt i.e. borrowed money). Let’s take a look.
Half a pound of tuppenny rice, Half a pound of treacle, That's the way the money goes. Pop goes the weasel
Over half goes ($855 billion) to the Pentagon, affectionately known as the ‘Military-Industrial Complex’. Is the war somewhere?…oh yeah, I remember there’s a war raging in Ukraine.
Hmmm…I wonder if they ever considered approaching Russia with a peace deal, instead of wasting billions of dollars on weapons that result in mass murder? Probably not, their imperial arrogance prevents them from even considering it. Why humble yourself with peace deals, when you believe you can destroy your ancient rival with guns and tanks?
I remember Jesus said something like “Blessed are the peacemakers…’ No place for that in modern America.
Now we come to the discretionary spending, which means paying for stuff that isn’t absolutely essential, but it would be nice to have.
Border protection is a fabulous idea, it allows your economy to thrive. So, $410 mil will be spent on border protection. But don’t get too excited, the money is not going to protect US borders, but those of Egypt, Lebanon and Syria. Go figure that out.
Now no budget would be complete without supporting the despots, oops the ‘Elites’, at the WEF. You know the ones that want us to eat bugs while they eat steak and ban us from travelling while they fly to Davos in their private jets. Remember You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy.
And let’s not forget the U.N and W.H.O. These unelected global multinational organisations get a huge slice of the cake, not a penny less than $1,400,000,000.
This explains how they can afford to tyrannise us, with our money.
I could go on to tell you about the $575 million given to fund the murder of healthy babies in the womb (aka Family Planning) across the world, or mention the existential need for a $3.00 million a LGBT museum, indubitably an essential contribution to our woke culture. And there’s also the $15 million for the vaccine injured (and they told us it was safe and effective).
Oops and I nearly forget to mention foreign aid in the form of a gender equity program ($200 mil) for Pakistan, that should help fill the empty stomachs of those begging on the streets of Lahore, and in addition the $1.0 mil to insert LGBT discussions into the classrooms of children in Latin America.
But I won’t bore you with all the grubby details (and there’s plenty more) of this appalling waste of money. However, what’s more alarming is the agenda behind this targeted spending. America is now a nation committed to exporting its immoral culture to the rest of the world.
Not happy to keep its decadence within its borders, it feels compelled to spread the contagion abroad. As St Paul said ‘Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them’. Romans 1.32.
In deference to candour these anti-God initiatives don’t represent the greater part of the spending. For most of the spending went to unproductive sector; welfare cheques, Medicare, pensions alike.
Notwithstanding, when a former Christian nation regards the values of the God the universe with contempt, as ancient Israel did, then its demise is inevitable.

Vic Matthews, has three degrees B.Optom, B.Arts & B. Christian Studies. Is available as a Guest Speaker for your next Church conference or camp. He is a fledgling author, and copywriter.
For more information visit http://www.graphw.co/
Vic Matthews' previous articles may be viewed http://www.pressserviceinternational.org/vic-matthews.html