|PIC1|The express passenger trains from Sydney to Werris Creek on the northern line at that time were the 900 class diesel streamlined self-propelled rail motors which were formed into two sets of four-carriage trains with the engines under the first and fourth carriage of each set.
This was done at Werris Creek; one set would head north-west to Narrabri while the other set went north Tamworth, Armidale and Tenterfield.
The four most senior drivers ran these train sets from Werris Creek to Sydney. Two of the drivers' families lived in Newcastle, and on their six day long roster breaks they would get a lift back to Newcastle on the same train, riding as a passenger but free of charge.
One of the Traffic Department Inspectors (as opposed to Locomotive Inspectors) got wind of this practice.
However, he made the mistake of confronting the actual driver who was sitting on the first carriage seat behind the driver's cabin. The driver was filling out his paperwork on the fold down table, and the traffic inspector erroneously thought he was one of those drivers evading a fare.
He asked the driver for his ticket and when he didn't have one, directed him to leave the train.
When the train didn't move after the guard pressed the 'all clear to start' buzzer, the Station Master was called and discovered the driver's compartment was empty. A short search found him in the meal room. The driver said, "I'm not buying a b---- ticket to drive the train to Sydney."
The driver refused to go to the driver's compartment to drive the train to Sydney unless the same Traffic Inspector came and made things right. The delay was 45 minutes and there was one very red face who had to answer for such a delay for a major intra-state express train.
Footplate Padre Mark Tronson said 'assumptions' are very dangerous. "Sadly it is assumed that being a Christian is someone who is a 'goody-two-shoes' whereas northing could be further from the truth.
A Christian is a sinner first and foremost. Jesus died on the cross of Calvary for sinners and a Christian is someone who repents and humbly invites Jesus into their lives as Lord."