The world’s idea of hope
For most of us, a rainbow is a symbol of hope. Hope after the rain. Hope for a better outcome. Hope for a better tomorrow. It sounds like a shallow hope to me.
We can even hope in the rain as well. But why is this? The world believes in a better tomorrow. But how can they be sure that tomorrow will come?
We are taught to dance in the rain. But what if the rain never stops? The darkness always persists.
God's idea of hope
We often forget a great story behind a very big rainbow. In fact, some believe this was the first sighting of a rainbow. God opened the clouds, flooded the earth and yet sent a rainbow when the floods had gone.
God's idea of hope is greater than ours. God himself created hope and created the symbol of hope: a beautiful multi coloured rainbow. Yet we neglect to dwell on such a promise and assurance that is found in the story.
Let's look at some hope truths that we can dig out of this story.
God flooded the earth yet remembered man
In the Bible, the rainbow is rarely spoken of, however the rainbow is the greatest reminder of God’s patience to us daily:
I have placed my rainbow in the clouds. It is the sign of my covenant with you and with all the earth. (Genesis chapter 9, verse 13).
We see that we are included in that, we are a small part of all the earth, yet this promise extends even to us. We have great hope in knowing that we aren't forgotten. He has mercy on us when we deserve the wrath of God.
As the rainbow only came after the great flood, so does only God’s grace in a covenant come after a dreadful storm. Christ bore the great storm, unlike Noah Christ was not spared. He hung on the tree facing the torrents of God’s holy and just anger for our sin.
In this way after we see the most horrific storm, only then comes the greatest rainbow.
We will never face the storm of his wrath again, for it was paid in full. May it be whenever we see a rainbow in the sky, we look straight to Christ, who by facing the bitter storm, gave us grace upon grace.
Future hope
What is this rainbow? We see one in the sky, is this the rainbow of our covenant in Christ? Is this a shadow of what is to come?
May we savour another place where the Bible speaks of a rainbow, right in the last book, the book of Revelation:
The one sitting on the throne was as brilliant as gemstones--like jasper and carnelian. And the glow of an emerald circled his throne like a rainbow. (Revelation chapter 4, verse 3).
Where God himself sits, the everlasting rainbow endures. Our rainbows in the sky fade, but there is one that will never fade, the one before God’s throne every passing moment. There will never be a day where that rainbow will fade, in the same way our covenant in Christ will never fade for the rainbow comes from him and his glory.
Look to the Saviour today, let not your eye wander, LOOK! See the bitter storm tearing his hands and feet, see that almighty wrath like hail fall from above crushing him. Oh that we will see this as clear as a rainbow in the sky! In the storms around you, look for the rainbow, look for this promise, for that rainbow holds the promise of a covenant forever.
Renee Jenner resides in Sydney, Australia and is currently in her third year of studying Social Work. She is the first born of home-base missionary parents whose ministry has made a huge impression on her heart. She always writes from the soul to the soul, desiring to encourage readers to enjoy God, relax in His goodness and spread His love to the utmost parts of the earth. She loves a good cuppa with a deep, thoughtful conversation. You can find her other writings at

Renee Jenner resides in Sydney, Australia and is a recently qualified social worker who has recently found a job! She is the first born of home-base missionary parents whose ministry has made a huge impression on her heart. She always writes from the soul to the soul, desiring to encourage readers to enjoy God, relax in His goodness and spread His love to the utmost parts of the earth. She loves a good cuppa with a deep, thoughtful conversation. You can find her other writings at