Going fast is one thing going at Godspeed is entirely something else. Dreams of the night from God can powerful weapons of encouragement for soldiers of heaven. This one dream of the night is speaking more to me now than 8 years ago when I had it and I hope will inspire God type speed in your life.
In the dream I was swimming in a body of water, which seemed like an ocean, but I wasn’t sure. My arms were not moving in your average freestyle human type fashion. My arms were motoring at what seemed like the speed of a propeller under throttle. It was like there was a mechanical hinge on each of my shoulders for my arms to spin at such pace and that made them dead straight with centrifugal forces like I was in the Incredibles. I started to have a realisation that made me wonder. The speed I was travelling through the water at was increasing faster than what my arms were actually propelling me. It started to become apparent that my arms were not even the force behind my speed… my wonder progressed “if I stopped my ultra-propulsion altogether what could happen?” This all happened in a moment’s thought.
I followed my thought with a simple action intrigued at the possibility. I stopped moving my arms as I thought it and I placed them next to my side for my head to lead through the water. Then everything changed!
As I dropped my arms and yielded myself to what was driving me the full force was unleashed in me. I became like a rocket. I shot through the water like an agile human bullet. I no longer needed to be on the top of the water to propel myself, in the same moment with my head leading, I could move in any way I desired at lightning speed in three dimensions. This was a billion times greater than a joy ride… The speed and agility I could express couldn’t be exaggerated. I moved freely like lightning wherever I wanted and was completely one with the power. The agility felt so right, as natural as breathing. The combination of untapped power thrust into a perfect freedom of movement in all three planes under water was beyond satisfaction. It felt as natural as breathing. The feeling of the water gliding past me accentuated every movement as I sliced through the body of water. It felt like I had found the full force of who I was through a simple realisation. That was all I remember and that was all I needed to understand a profound key in walking with God.
The night after waking from the dream I went out on a river/bay cruise with my then boss. I stared at the silky surface of the water as I lay on the small cruising vessel’s bow. I could still feel intense power and joy and beauty of movement still lingering from the encounter of the dream. It was so real I was tempted to jump in the water.
Zechariah 4:6...“Not by might not by power but by my spirit Says the Lord
The power in my arms was no doubt a gift of God. However, the more I went I realised that my efforts were not only not contributing but actually limiting the power.
Hebrews 4:10
For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from His.
The rest of heaven is the furthest thing possible from inactivity although it could look like that. Your own effort will produce far less than what abiding in God’s grace can. Ask our Papa Abraham about his boys Isaac and Ishmael. The word promises a 100 to 1000 times greater effectiveness through yielding to God. Check Gideon’s stats or David’s songs, or the promise of Jesus in Mark 10.
There’s an effectiveness and speed at which we can live in when we expend our own abilities completely to then find where God’s full ability takes over. We can then relax into God’s power and grace and let it entirely drive you. God’s grace is power to live holy, effectively, accurately and in style. Style for the believer is the fruits of the spirit in Galatians 5.
His grace is completely other than your ability but yet completely relies on you avail-ability. That means to avail yourself of your ability and be endowed with his.
In Godspeed, you redeem the time.
To experience this power and satisfaction in life we must labour to enter his rest, unclothe ourselves from the limitations of what you think you are capable of and enter the abundance of grace that will thrust you into the power and fruitfulness you were designed to live in!
In this hour for the body of Christ we are entering into harvest mode that will look like lots of work. Whether you have people to disciple, a church to run, a job to excel in, a family to care for, exams to nail, businesses to expand or people to counsel this word is to encourage you that you can do it all in style and joy!
I bid you Godspeed.
Leigh lives on the Gold Coast. He loves to catch a wave, build business, dream big and preach the gospel
Leigh Clough’s previous articles may be viewed at http://www.pressserviceinternational.org/leigh-clough.html

Leigh lives on the Gold Coast. He loves to catch a wave, build business, dream big and preach the gospel
Leigh Clough’s previous articles may be viewed at http://www.pressserviceinternational.org/leigh-clough.html