In Psalms, we are instructed to magnify the Lord at all times. Magnify means to refocus and make something seem great/important. What we magnify as believers matters. Are we seeing things from a heavenly perspective? In a world that is constantly evolving, we have to fight to maintain God’s kingdom reality and mindset.
We have to partner with God’s view and reality of things all the moments of our lives and embrace joy. What are you magnifying? The enemy will always try to get you off the track of joy. Sometimes we just need to pause, have a moment and allow God to draft us into His perspective. Magnifying God gets our perspective back on track.
“And Mary said,
My soul magnifies the Lord,
and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior...”
(Luke chapter 1, verses 46)
Most of the worldly things that we regard highly, are they really valuable in God’s eyes? It all comes to who we want to please at the end of the day and whose opinion we value, God or man? Ultimately, He is the only one who genuinely knows us. When we magnify God, we align ourselves with who He is, and who we are through Him. Makes me wonder what success and failure look like in God’s eyes.
There are so many seemingly unbearable seasons even in our walk with God. David magnified the Lord in tough seasons of pain. When we focus on our trials we magnify the circumstances and our focus shifts. Circumstances may be factual on earth but what is God saying and doing? As believers we should only look through God’s view. We are called to rise above our circumstances.
“Oh, magnify the Lord with me,
and let us exalt his name together!”
(Psalms chapter 34, verses 3)
So how do we embrace faith and hope at all times?
Reclaiming our Identity.
This involves reclothing ourselves with new garments of who God says we are and getting rid of beliefs that are not true. When we listen to what God says other voices matter less.
Most battles begin in the mind, what we think matters hence the grave importance of turning off the voices of the inner critic and developing the right mindset. This entails putting the right labels back on and reclaiming who God says we are; we are a royal priest hood.
Guarding our heart.
We all have our own race which has a purpose and is unique; it’s vital to guard our hearts against comparison and competition. The plans we have imagined for our lives do not even compare with God’s strategies. Staying on our lane in this age of comparison is vital.
There are so many shaky things in life but if the foundation of our daily living is in the word of God and realigning to the voice of God, there is nothing we can’t face. No matter what is going on in our lives, we have to look at this with heavenly lens and know that we are on solid ground.
Iron sharpens iron.
Surrounding ourselves with a healthy community and making sure the people closest to us are really walking with the Lord. A good illustration from the bible is David and Jonathan; they were strengths for each other. Keeping right circles and being in the right environment is critical in seasons of waiting.
Being around those who speak life into us and have a positive outlook of life. God will bring just the right people for each season. God is constantly rearranging things and bringing the right people for every season.
Dare to be different.
When you are walking with God and following the Holy Spirit, you are not accountable to man. What you are doing is unto the Lord. The opinions of man and what it looks like does not matter because of a surrendered heart towards the Lord.
Daring to be different requires boldness and courage to be who we are in Him. This will involve resubmitting our wills, minds and emotions to God daily to follow His will.
Speak Life.
We need to pray for wisdom and discernment so as to know what to say and what not to say. What we say and prophesy over our circumstances has power. Watching what we say starts from what we allow into our minds. If we get caught up in negative thinking and attitude we allow the circumstances in our lives to be magnified. As believers we need to take every thought captive.
“The tongue has the power of life and death,
and those who love it will eat its fruit.”
(Proverbs chapter 18, verses 21)
Regardless of where we are in life it is vital to maintain an expectant attitude. Sometimes you just have to believe the best is yet to come. We are not called to look at the things from a worldly perspective or live in status quo. We are called to rise above it all!
As you continue pressing on in your season, remember heaven is cheering you on!
Miriam comes from Kenya, but now lives in South Australia and is surrounded by an amazing Christian community. She enjoys deep meaningful conversations, music, bowling, occasional walks on the beach and quality friendships.

Miriam comes from Kenya, but now lives in South Australia and is surrounded by an amazing Christian community. She enjoys deep conversations, music, tennis, bowling, occasional walks on the beach and quality friendships.