Harrison and his wife have eight children and ten grandchildren. The Lord has provided for their needs. He is proud that his eldest is a Masters graduate and the others have all graduated or are still in College.
Arusha, in the north of Tanzania, has a population of 500,000 and is close to the borders of Uganda, Kenya, and Rwanda in the Eastern part of Africa.
is situated in the north of Tanzania.
As the city is so central and so cosmopolitan, and is a western-style modern city with all the associated conveniences and infrastructure, Arusha was selected as the location for the International Tribunal for Rwanda's war criminals. This has made the whole population, and the Christians in particular, very aware of international human rights.
Harrison Olan'g's church has a very large congregation of expatriots, so it is a melting pot of nationalities, reaching out to all non-Swahili speakers in the city. The congregation and its leaders have a great vision of evangelism for the lost.
"The Baptist work in Tanzania has a huge agenda to reach Tanzanians for Jesus Christ, as there remains many unreached people in my country," Harrison Olan'g explained.
"Christian leadership and the training of a new generation of Christian leaders is the most important Christian responsibility I see for my nation," he continued.
The Tanzanian population is growing; and the Baptists have a very developed outreach program. Harrison sees a very bright future for Christian work in his nation.
This Harrison Olan'g interview on the Australian Missionary News IPTV may be viewed at either tv.bushorchestra.com/BWC/videopages/harrison_olang.html or www.safeworlds.net