There’s something refreshing about 2020, it’s different to it just being a new year but there’s something about new life, new beginnings and new opportunities that makes this year so exciting. I’ve found myself challenging my own ambitions and personality traits as well as where I’ve been investing my time over the last couple of months.
I think we can all get to this stage but then we don’t often take any steps further. We know there are new opportunities that we just need to act on, there are new skills that we just have to learn and there are more people we just have to meet, but where do we start?
Pick up
I’ve found the best way to start taking the next step is to find personal disciplines to act on and get the ball rolling. I start with something small, “I’m going to drink a litre of water every day”, “I’m going to pray for the first five minutes of every day”, “I’m going to go for a walk five times this week”. Set some achievable personal goals and start kicking them! This is less so you can get more fit or earn more money or to gain really anything other than control.
When I feel stumped and like I have nothing going for me, it kills my productivity. Sometimes it’s a slow and gradual slump into stagnancy, and other times it’s a full-forced crash. The best thing for picking yourself back up is small disciplines to show yourself, not only are you able to do more than your body’s telling you, you can do it right now, you actually can have full control of your life again. It might take a bit to get there, but day by day you’ll feel yourself gaining more control of your life.
Look up
Once you’ve started to gain a bit of momentum, I’ve found the next big step is to look up. Not only do you have control of your life now, but you have control of your future. What’s ahead of you? What are doors you can go and open? What are skills you can learn? Where can you expand your thinking and your options?
Apply for those jobs that seem out of reach. Enrol in that course. Start that life group. Include that person in your life. Look around and start to imagine yourself full of bravery and boldness.
This isn’t where you plan your step-by-step plan on getting to that dream promotion, job or relationship. This is just about restoring your vision. Whenever I’ve been stumped in an unproductive state, not only do I lose control of my life, but I lose focus on my vision. You stop seeing your horizon when your head hangs low so look up! There’s more ahead.
The last step is the hardest—go! It’s time to not just imagine your life full of confidence and boldness, it’s time to make it happen. You might say, “easier said than done” but in reality, it really does just take one step after the other. You’re not going to tightrope over a ravine without ever having successfully walked across a balancing beam, or even a chalk-line on the ground. Boldness isn’t a personality type, it’s a decision. To be bold will look different on everyone but the importance of boldness is the difference between living a life of comfort or a life of faith.
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of POWER and of love and of a sound mind.” (Timothy chapter 1, verse 7)
“Since we have such a hope, we are very BOLD.” (2 Corinthians chapter 3, verse 12)
“Be strong and COURAGEOUS. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua chapter 1, verse 9)
Why must we be bold? Because timidity distracts our self-control, diminishes our vision and destroys our faith for more. Living your life as a Christian, doesn’t box in your possibilities—we do that ourselves, but it does take a decision to grow our boldness, to step out in faith and to reach all the possibilities of a purpose-filled life with Jesus.
He isn’t just our Saviour, but the Bible promises over and over that His plans for us are good. Plans that are bigger than we know. We need to remember that He is our strength, our guide, our caller and He has appointed us for here and now. With God all things are possible so let’s not let the previous years settle us into the dust, but let us rise up with boldness and go after all God has in store for us.

Rochelle Ross lives on the Sunshine Coast, Australia. She loves people, the moon, dirty food and Jesus and is very passionate about seeing young people know God. She loves a great story and one day wants to write about people’s lives and achievements.