Trump versus Clinton, the police versus communities, clowns versus the public, and Hurricane Matthew versus the East Coast. These are just some of the major events dividing and plaguing the beloved United States.
Day after day we are forced to deal with the ugliness of this world and hope is easily lost in all the chaos. Hearts are broken, lives are lost, and Satan stands, boasting in his success.
Since Genesis chapter 3, the world has been in a state of brokenness and condemnation. The grief and sadness we experience is nothing new. Because of Adam and Eve's sin, mankind has been left to cope with death, disease, famine, and destruction.
Until Jesus comes back, we cannot expect the world to come into perfect harmony with God's plan. But what we can expect is more darkness and death. As Christians, we know that God is in control, but how are we to maintain our hope and trust in the Lord when evil seems to flex and show off his power?
In the midst of the harsh reality of this world, here are a few key truths that help secure my hope and trust in Jesus Christ:
God will completely deal with sin and death.
There is a glorious day coming when God will completely separate the good from the evil. "And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away." (Revelation chapter 21, verse 4)
God promises that we will not be left in this fallen and forsaken world. In that day, death and his friends will be put to shame and left to their eternal sufferings. Sin and death may be running rampant now, but be assured that our faithful God will not let them go unpunished.
God is redeeming brokenness.
I love the fact that God is able and willing to use all evil for His glory. Please don't get me wrong; God is not the Author of Evil, nor is evil His perfect plan in bringing Him glory. BUT, God is able to redeem all things and use them for His purposes.
In God's economy, there is no trial that is wasted. In the destruction all around us, you can understand by faith that God is orchestrating something beautiful from the ashes. If we are honest with ourselves, we can see God's redeeming power in the craziness that has come our way.
God is with us.
A pastor once told me the definition of God's grace in one word: Emmanuel. Emmanuel is translated God With Us. This was the name given to Jesus, and His name still holds true today. God is truly with us. Even when we don't "feel" His presence, or hear His words, we can know that God never leaves us, nor forsakes us.
Through the darkest valley of corruption and grief, God promises in His Word to not fear because He is with us. This grace allows us to keep eternal perspective and "run the race set before us." (Hebrews chapter 12 verses 1-2)
Trusting God is a daily choice.
Unfortunately, trusting God doesn't come naturally. As believers in Jesus Christ, we are tasked with climbing and getting over the highest mountain of ourselves, and placing our trust in Him.
It is easy to look around at the world and lose hope. Following and trusting God means living by faith and not by sight. Don't be surprised when you have to deal with your flesh and frustration with choosing to follow Jesus.
If you're a believer today, remind yourselves of these truths. Don't allow the pains of this World to take away your hope in Jesus Christ. Look to Jesus. Trust in Jesus. Allow Jesus to show you His faithfulness and let that fuel your passion to live for Him.
Aaron serves in Murrieta, CA and is a pastor at Cross Culture Ministries and is also the director of On The Edge.
Aaron Sabio's previous articles may be viewed at